05. Code

"Mr. Smith is calling your highness. " a servant informs knocking on Lucas's office.

"Okay," he dismissed the servant with a nod.

"Did you meet that girl? " he asked mr smith.

mr Smith: no, I am not in the city. I will meet her in a few days. but I spoke with Parker and he said that girl is not any different from a normal human girl.

Lucas: she saw that advertisement in the newspaper which was not supposed to be able to seen by human eyes is enough proof that she is not a normal human.

mr Smith: you are right. that was not a mare advertisement but code which was not supposed to be able to be visible to anyone. I will meet her once I get back home.

Lucas: hmm

mr Smith: yeah when are you coming? it's about time.

Lucas: next week.

with that saying, he cuts the call placing the receiver down. Lucas made his way towards the window facing the rose garden. the night sky was littered with the stars and the moon added a glow to flowers. but Lucas was not interested in any of it his mind was somewhere else. he can't help but think about the dream he had a few weeks ago. he didn't see anyone in his dream but that voice. it said only one word that shook Lucas to the core. that word was "mate".

For all his life Lucas focused on only one thing and that was to prepare himself to take the throne. since he did not have any siblings he is the only successor on his father's throne. hence since he had that dream he is not sure if he is ready to meet his mate. because he is not sure how he feels about having a mate a lifetime partner to share everything with. he doesn't have time for that.

A knock on the door pulls him out of his thoughts. Jaden comes in with a bow and takes a seat in front of the desk when Lucas nod at him acknowledging his presence.

" Everything is prepared," Jaden tells him.

"When are you planning to go?" Jaden asks him. "next week," Lucas replies still staring out of the window.

"Have you told her?" Lucas inquiries.

"No, and I am not going to tell her. because if I go in front of her now she will ask me why you didn't attend that ball and I don't want to tell her that I was yet again failed to persuade you. I don't want to face her wrath."

Jaden tells him instantly.

Lucas turns to him with a scowl on his face but sighs knowing very well that Jaden is right. no one wants to face her wrath. she is always very warm to everyone but she can be scary at a time when no one wants to come in her way to face her wrath.

"Okay, I'll tell her." with that he starts to make his way towards the door but halts at jaden question.

"what is it?" both of them state at each other trying to understand what is going on in their mind. Lucas knows exactly what he is trying to say but chose to ignore it.

"nothing," Lucas replies with a curt and walks out of his study leaving Jaden alone.

jaden sighs. he knows something is bothering Lucas but doesn't want to share it with anyone. he knows Lucas too well since they are best friends. they were friends they were kids. they have been with each other growing up. he has seen people trying to get close to Lucas only to fulfill their selfish motives. but they never succeed to get close to Lucas because they are not powerful enough to even approach him. Lucas has become distant and dark over the years that no one dares to approach him.

Lucas stops in affront of the closed doors of his study contemplating whether he should tell jaden what is bothering him but decides against it because even he doesn't know the actual meaning of his dream. or he knows but doesn't want to accept it.

"Prince Lucas is here to see you, my lady." a guard announces when Lucas steps in.

Queen Katherine dismisses everyone before taking a seat around the coffee table seeping her evening tea.

"I see you finally got time to see your mother," she taunts him eying his every move while he sat down in front of her.

"We meet every other day at a diner table mother." Lucas remarks with the shale of his head at his mother's pettiness.

she may be the queen of all vampires but can be petty when it comes to her family. she scoffs at his comment.

"don't give me that attitude young boy. and why you didn't attend the ball?"

she asks him the question which Lucas expected for far too long.

"you know my answer mother. still, I will tell you again that I don't have time for such a useless gathering where everyone tries to get close to me only for power," he tells her with a scowl on his face.

she sighs and places the cup on the table before leaning towards him to place her hand on Lucas's balled fist. Lucas relaxes at his mother's hand's warmth. she soothingly caresses his hand knowing how he is feeling.

"I know everyone is not good in this world but there is someone who will be by your side not for your power or wealth but you. you have to give a chance to yourself Lucas. "

he averts his gaze after hearing her words when he recalls his dream. will there be anyone who will want to stay by his side without fearing him and is there anyone who will ever want to be with him for him only not for his wealth. he doesn't know. he doesn't believe it because he has never encountered anyone who can resist the temptation of power and money. he envies his parents. he envies how they met each other and fell in love. they are so in love with each other that they can leave anything behind only to be with each other. he wanted that. but everyone always proved to him that it is not meant for everyone.

"We are leaving next week. where is dad?" Lucas asks her, she was about to replay him when someone answers his question.

"I see my family is missing me. so here I am. " king Eric replies with a playful smile. Queen gasps surprised at hearing his voice.

"you started me, Eric. " she chided him.

"see you didn't even sense me coming while talking to your son. I don't like that you ignore me in front of him. King adds with a scowl. Lucas can only shake his head in disbelief while his mother glar at his father. he can't believe that his cold and ruthless parents can be this petty. there is his mother who wants to shower him with her love even after he is a grown-up man about to sit on the throne and then there is his father who is jealous of his own son for getting his wife's attention. no one will believe that this pair of his parents is the most elegant and respected in the vampire kingdom.

"don't say that Eric. this is why he doesn't visit me often. and he is your son as well. "

his mother scolds the king who makes his way toward her with a smile to calm her down.

"of course, he is my son. " he kisses her on the temple lovingly.

"I see this is my time to leave. I have placed a file on your desk with all the details. " with that saying Lucas excused himself hurriedly not wanting to see his parents romancing.

The next day, the University of Florida___

Julianne woke up before her alarm will go off. she got ready for the day taking everything she needed for the day. she meets Misha and Rebecca at the entrance of the main building as discussed earlier on the phone. "I have to check my locker before going to first class," Julianne announced and three girls head in the direction of the locker room. after going down two halls they can see everyone whispering about something and then Misha screams dramatically startling both Rebecca and Julianne.

"Who the fuck are you?" Misha exclaims starting at a girl besides her who came to talk to her. the girl glar at Misha knowing well that she is making a scene on purpose.

"shut up Misha. you know who I am. and I am here to tell you that I am not going to stay like this for the whole day. " the girl who is none other than kellie. as per their bet from the previous day, she has not applied any makeup and it is very strange to see her bare face. it's not like she is ugly, no she is beautiful but Misha is not going to spare any chance to ridicule kellie. all can see Misha screaming only to get the attention of everyone.

"why babe. if you didn't dare to complete any dare don't ever think about challenging me in the future. " Misha adds with a smirk before walking away from fuming kellie.