06. Weekend plan.

Julianne scribbled notes on her book concentrating on whatever the professor is explaining. she glance at her left side with a wary in her eyes. she can see Misha furiously typing on her phone with a broad grin on her face which is not a very good sign. it's been a week since Julianne moved to the university. since then Julianne has become a very good friend with Misha, Rebecca, Nathan, and Samuel. they spent every second they can get with each other. they have talked with lily also. Julianne is very grateful to have them in her life. ahe never had any friends and now that ahe has these people in her life she is more than happy.

Misha turns to flash a smile to Julianne on which julienne arch a brow questioning what is she up to.

"you will find out soon." Misha mouthed with a wink making Julianne shake her head resigned.

Julianne has spent enough time with mish to know that this girl is nothing but trouble. Misha is always up to something. no one can match her energy and naughtiness. she just hopes whatever Misha is planning now is not too dangerous because she fears the ones who will suffer because of her mischief.

after that Julianne concentrates on taking her notes because she has to make sure to take notes in class so she can have time to study afterwords. she will not have extra time to take notes after class since she is applying for a part-time job on campus. she has submitted her resume to the library and will be attending an interview in 2 days. once she gets this job she will not have to worry about food. her savings are not sufficient for her to last for the whole semester. hence she applied for a part-time job on her second day. she just hopes that she gets the job.

After the last class, Misha drags Julianne to the university's parking lot.

"why are taking me to the parking lot, Misha." Julianne wines exhausted. she just wants to snuggle in her sheets and sleep till late in the morning.

"just a few minutes then you can go. and it's the weekend, not Monday so show me some energy. " Misha chided with a scoff. Julianne rolls her at that.

"Hey Julie, are you okay? you look tired. " Samuel asks Julianne. since her name is too long everyone in the group calls her Julie.

Julie straightens at that and shakes her head at Samuel with a smile. " I am okay. thanks." Misha scoffs at their exchange. she knows that Sam is trying to get close to Julie but Julie just doesn't understand his advances. she is too innocent to understand it. Misha thought about telling her but decided against it. because she knows how Sam is. he doesn't do serious relationships and ahe knows Julie is not up for any fling since she is focusing on her studies.

"I have decided what we are doing tomorrow so everyone be ready at 9 tomorrow morning. wear simple and comfortable clothes. " Misha announce.

"where are we going?" Julianne asks confused.

"it's the weekend so I have planned something exciting to do. " Misha tells her with a grin. Nathan whistles at that knowing well that if something is planned by Misha means it is exciting.

"but..." Julianne starts but got cut off by Rebecca.

"no buts. you are coming. you have not been out of University get since you got here. so no buts."

Julie ponders on Rebecca's words. she indeed hasn't stepped out of campus since she got here. she doesn't know anything about this place. and age can't always stay on campus she has to see new places and explore the surrounding so she nodded in agreement.

"okay. I am coming." Nathan high-fives Julie. "that's the spirit. "

after everyone decides on meeting on campus the next morning everyone separates their way. it was almost 6 in the evening by the time they got out of campus. since so many people stayed at the dorm crowd on campus didn't lower till late in the evening. the group was so engrossed in their discussion that they didn't notice one person eavesdropping on their conversation. once the group separates to their way the person comes out and calls someone to inform them of their plan for the next day.

Julie woke up once her alarm for off. she freshen up and desires to wear black leggings and a loose cropped knitted red sweatshirt as she recalls Misha's words about comfortable clothes.

she braids her long hair in two and slips into her shoes. ahe keeps her face bare while only applying lip gloss and sunscreen for protection.

her phone rang when ahe was about to take a step out of her dorm. she smiles when she saw that it is from Misha.

"I am coming in a sec," Julie replies before Misha can say anything. "thank God someone is responsible in our group. " Misha adds from another side of the line. Julie narrows her eyes at her words with amusement.

"look who is talking about responsibilities," Julie comments with a scoff. Misha was about to retort when sam snatches the phone from her hand. "ignore her. we are waiting for you at the entrance of the dormitory. " he tells her and Julie waves at him while walking out of the building.

Julie hops onto the front seat of Sam's car and sees sulking Misha in the back seat. Sam was stunned to see Julie. she has this effect on him. he doesn't know what is it. he has never felt something like this for anyone. he has been with several girls but no one managed to captivate his attention like Julie does. "what happened to her?" Julie whispers to Sam. but Sam was unable to answer her question. Julie waves in front of him to get his attention. Sam snaps out of his trance and turns away embarrassed. Misha scoffs from back at sam. Julie looks at both of them not understanding what is going on.

"what were you asking? " sam asked her since he didn't get her question earlier. "what happened to Misha? why is she upset?"

Julie asks again.

"I didn't let her ride her bike. " sam tells her. Misha glar at sam intensely. Julie smiles shaking her head. she knows how much Misha loves to ride her bike. after spending some time with Misha Julie has come to know that she is not like any other normal girl. she doesn't like girly things like makeup, cute dress, or fancy jewelry. she is more interested in video games than makeup, she likes comfortable clothes like jeans and a t-shirt than cute or sexy dresses and ahe is more interested in bike racing. she loves her bike more than anything. Julie has seen how Misha's eyes sparkle when ahe rides her bike. many people make fun of her choices but Julie doesn't think that way. she loves Misha for what she is. she likes how down-to-earth Misha is. not only her but everyone in their group. Julie has spent almost a week with them but they never let her feel like she does not belong with them. they never flaunt their money in front of her. and then there is kellie. in the last few days, ahe has come to know that kellie was also their friend before but after fifth grade, she started to behave like a bitch with everyone. especially with Misha. she would always make fun of Misha's choice of clothes or how Misha behaves. because of that everyone in their group started to distant from kellie. Julie has noticed that kellie didn't like Julie much. kellie has tried to pick on Julie several times but every time someone would come to her rescue from their group. she still doesn't know why she is doing that. maybe just because she is friends with Misha and everyone. that can be a reason.

Julie turns around in her seat to face sulking Misha.

"don't tell me you are going to be like this for the whole day. I would rather spend my say in my room if you keep behaving like this. " Julie threatens Misha with a straight face.

"This is not fair. why would you not come? " Misha wines.

"then stop willing and cheer up or do you want me to go now?" Julie says while trying to open the car door when Misha jumps up in her seat.

"stop. don't go. I am smiling see." Misha smiles at her showing her teeth. Sam starts the car and they all drow away out of campus. Rebecca rides in Nathan's car to reach their destination.

"where are we going by the way?" Julie asks Misha after a few moments realizing she still doesn't know where they are going.

"it's a surprise. you will know once we reach there." Misha tells her with a wide smile. Julie looks at her suspiciously before shaking her head knowing well that she won't get any information about their destination till they reach there.