Fire and Ice

King Francis was sitting on his throne with his wife, Queen Nina. Elle has always been envious of the bond they both shared. They never failed to express the love they had for each other, whether through words or actions.

Just like now, the Queen was sitting besides the King on his throne, which was highly forbidden , but the King didn't mind bending the rules for the sake of his wife. This was one helluva relationship Elle always prayed to the heavens to bestow upon her.

As they approached them, her gracefulness made Elle wander if there was anyone else in the entire kingdom who was as fit for the queenship as she is.

Clothed in a turquoise A-line gown with her long black hair, she oozed of elegance that only befitted a queen. And her smile, just like the one she just flashed them, was heart warming.

Stopping a few meters from them, Ken offered his morning greetings and his companions followed suit.

" Niel " the King's voice boomed in the silent room.

Niel took a step forward.

" Yes, Your Majesty," his head was down.

" Why did you allow the Prince out of his chambers before sunrise?" he queried

" Your..."

" Father, I went out on my own will" Ken cut him off as he tried to explain.

" That too without his sword " the king continued, totally ignoring Ken.

" It's my mistake, father". Desperation could be heard in his voice. If there was one way to teach Ken a lesson, it was by punishing those close to him for his mistakes. Especially Niel and Elle. The king was well aware of this fact and always used it against him.

" And on today of all days "

" Fa..." Ken attempted to defend his bodyguard but his father shot him a deadly glare that silenced him.

" Apologies, your Majesty. This humble servant deserves to be punished for neglecting his duties." said Niel.

Elle looked raised her head a bit to steal a glance at Ken. His fists were tightly clenched by his sides while his jaw worked. But his eyes looked pleading at his father.

" Hmm" mused King Francis as he stood from his throne. " I was planning on doing that even if you didn't say so"

He decended the stairs over to the trio.

" It's high time someone learnt that being royalty requires being responsible and law abiding." He said while looking straight into Ken's eyes. There were just a few meters apart. " It's high time that someone realised that royal decrees are NEVER meant to be broken and that if they are broken, someone has to pay the price."

" The ceremony starts at noon. Be ready by then"

With that, King Francis strode out of the throne Hall with Niel.

"Why does he keep doing that? " His face was sour as he directed the question to his mother.

" He doesn't have to keep punishing others for my mistakes. I'm not a baby anymore "

Queen Nina stood and gracefully descended the stairs.

" Oh my pretty boy" she coaxed while rubbing his arm. She and King Francis complimented each other like fire and Ice. After the fire has blazed, the ice cools off the heat after it.

That was exactly what they were doing to Ken right now. His mother was going to quench the fire his father has started.

He glared at his mother.

" What?" his mother asked with a pout, trying to feign ignorance.

When he didn't reply, she raised her hand and said

" Fine, i won't call you my boy. But can I at least call you pumk...?"

" No" he cut her off.

" ok. Then what about My baby..."


Elle and her mother, Agnes couldn't stifle their laughter and burst out laughing. Ken's face was literally green.

Queen Nina pulled him into her embrace, chuckling as she rubbed his back.

Ken simply gave out a sigh when he pulled out from the hug. He knew his mother was just trying to make him feel better and honestly, it worked. Even though it annoyed him anytime his mom addressed him with pet names, it still gave him a kind of weird solace. He was always OK with everything so far as it was his mom.

" Mother, you can't be calling me by those names anymore " he tried to reason with her.

" And why not?" Ken rolled his eyes at his mother's pretence.

" I'm the crown Prince of this kingdom. You don't want the people calling their future King a baby, do you?" he raised his brows at her.

" Well, I don't see why not" she said with a shrug.

" And I'm now of age" he replied with a victorious look plastered on his face.

" The ceremony hasn't been done yet so technically, you're still under age and my baby" she pulled his cheeks.

Queen Nina took a step back.

" You should go prepare. You have to leave by noon"

" We'll take our leave now" he gave a slight bow.

They both turned to leave when the Queen called for Elle.

" May I have a word with you?" Ken wanted to speak but was beaten by his mother.

" Alone?"

Elle glanced at Ken before replying

" of course, your Majesty "

" Don't keep long" he said and walked out of the room after securing a nod from her. Agnes also excused herself.

When they were alone, the Queen spoke.

" Thank you for agreeing to accompany my son"

The playful look with which she teased the Prince with was now replaced with a face of sincere motherly concern.

" You're embarrassing this humble servant, your Majesty. I am simply performing my duty."

There was a brief silence between them.

" Had it been up to me alone," She turned her back to Elle " I wouldn't allow him do this"

She gave out a depressed sigh " but unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about it."

The Queen then faced Elle.

" But I need you to do me a favor "

" Anything for you, my queen " she replied.

Queen Nina held both her hands with her gloved ones as she looked into her eyes that glowed with...fear? Elle thought she might be the one exaggerating what she saw but as she looked closely, she realised it was still there, that fear. Of what, she wasn't sure.

" Please, no matter what happens in foreverland, do not let anything happen to you."


Elle had to blink twice before her mind registered what the queen just said. Her eyes went wide when she did.

" P.. Pardon me your Majesty " she stuttered.

" You heard me right, Elle" The Queen confirmed.

"Promise me that no matter what happens, you will be safe"

" My Queen, I..I do not understand"

" You will understand when the time is right. But right now, I just need you to promise me. Please."

Elle couldn't overlook the plead in her eyes. Besides, this was her Queen. The woman who treated her nothing less than a daughter and whom she trusted more than her life.

" I can't promise, your Majesty but I will try my best"

Before she knew, the Queen hugged her.

" Thank you, Elle "

They broke from the embrace.

Though Elle was still confused she flashed Queen Nina a polite smile and excused herself to go prepare .