Final Boss Monster

Due to the pillar of fire, Victor's view of the drake was blocked, so he couldn't exactly see whether his plan was effective or not, he could only hope so. The pillar of fire kept burning up till the ceiling of the room for at least fifteen seconds before it began showing signs of calming down. When the fire subsided, Victor was a bit amazed as to how much damage the fire actually did, and in the process, he had actually achieved an unknown effect.

Victor wasn't too surprised at the intensity of the flames and the duration, his fire attacks were being boosted anyway. What surprised Victor was the effects the fire had on the drake. For one, as the drake was still a fresh zombie, it's skin wasn't dry and hard like Victor's, so the massive wound Victor created with his skill excavate that completely took the drake's head couldn't heal back, simply because it had become impossible for the moment.