Unrest I

'Well, didn't find anything of value, just like expected. At least the auction wasn't all that bad.' Victor said in his mind as he proceeded towards one of the exit places.

Unbeknownst to Victor, a new rumor had begun spreading about him around the underground scene, about the legend of Crow. To him, he was a bit confused why every guard and even others that attended the auction, people who were supposed to be big shots had began giving him some level of respect. Guards guide him towards the paths he already knew, and the big shots gave him the nod of respect when their eyes crossed. Victor couldn't quite put his hand on it, but he chugged it down to Mark's doing. It was all very possible that he had made it known that he was the one who supplied the most priced item that day. 'I'll have to talk to him about it later. He shouldn't have done something like that.' Victor said in his mind as he left through the teleportation mechanism and appeared in a familiar alley.
