[Bonus chapter] Conclusion II

A hundred power stones voted, so this is the extra chapter.




"Whatever the case, this is the plan we are to follow." A voice said.

"Yes, all we have to do now is wait for the right time. The project will soon be finished, and by then we will be able to achieve most of your goals." Another voice said.

As the voices spoke and deliberated on something, like some kind of secretive meeting, another voice spoke from elsewhere.

"The task should be complete by now."

Immediately, all eyes in the room turned towards the new and yet familiar voice. Victor could be seen standing there in the throne room. How he got there, none of the others knew, and they were supposed to be elders and eldest elders of the house Emrick. Even the vampire lord who was present did not notice the presence of Victor at all until he spoke. This freaked them out a bit.