A Quickie II

Victor appeared close to one of the locations where a government laboratory was, and without wasting any time began his operation. After setting the ground work and was about to infiltrate the facility, Victor suddenly felt a spike of familiar energy. Without anyone explaining to him, he could tell that what he just felt was holy energy, the same kind he felt from the Ann girl the day she attacked him after falling from a plane, or so he chose to remember.

'It must be there then. I wonder what's here that's also top secret.' Victor asked himself as he slowly shifted his attention to the energy spike. If there was any other thing happening, the vampires would inform him, so he wasn't bothered. To create a little commotion to use as distraction, Victor left Shanok in this lab to keep them busy for a while. If anything happened, Shanok had escape methods, so it wouldn't affect him.