Free Food I

"Let's move." Victor said after he placed the bodies of the vampires he just killed in his system.

Eating eat one after the other would take his time, and since he could do it later, there was no need to waste his time around. He was also heavily considering the option to change his second form into something else that would make it easier for him when it came to extracting evolution material. 'Maybe a snake would suffice.' Victor thought to himself. He didn't really buy into the idea of changing himself too much into a different creature even though he could, especially now that he had some part of his emotions, it just didn't feel right and it made him a bit uncomfortable thinking about what he would look like.

Victor had left only one vampire alive, and it wasn't the one that led him to the others. He found out that the vampire wasn't the leader, so he killed him along with the others and took control of the actual leader.