
Who said war was a bad thing? Under good circumstances, it could be the best thing to happen, it all depends on which side one is affiliated with. In Victor's case, his side was the victorious one, so naturally it would be favourable. There were no celebrations or cheers after his side won the war though. His army was made of zombified vampires, so the emotions department was on strict lock down.

With the ample supply of evolution material, Victor was able to advance further in rank and advanced to the next rank which was and Ancestral Vampire. It brought with it new levels of strength and power, with this singular achievement being enough for the entire journey to be worth it.

With this rank came new abilities and possibilities. For example, Victor could now control vampires under a particular rank even though they were not of his lineage. If they were of his lineage, he was able to control those of higher rank, as high as the rank directly below his, which was vampire lord.