A New Era I

[From here on, everything will be in a form of summary]




"So I ended up dying either way.." Victor said, as he woke up in a completely different place from where he was moments ago from his perspective.

It was no big deal as he hadn't lost any of his strength, which was one good trait this title granted. Normally there was a price for this kind of nature defying skill, but in his case he could bypass it. Victor actually had his own theory for this, as it would make sense if what was exchanged was his life force or something similar, but seeing as he didn't have any actual 'life force'...

With his skills back and everything back to normal for the most part, Victor opened his system panel to look at his stats, but then he was hit with an error.

'Did that fucker not die?' He thought to himself, but this time around it was different.

[System Error]

[System Error]

[System Error]

[A Force is Blocking The System From Normal Operation]
