Unexpected Visit II

"He is inside like you ordered." Someone said to Veritas, as she approached a room guarded by three guards as it seemed. Without much of a response, she continued towards the door that slide open as he reached before it. The door opened up to reveal the person inside who was sat in a chair facing the door in the simple looking room.

"Start talking, how did you find us?" Veritas questioned, as she sat in the chair provided for her before the one she was questioning.

"That, it was through the spell that was placed on you from when you visited our kingdom." He said.

'He sure is doing his best staying calm.' Veritas said in her mind. Though the other party seemed to be calm and focused, Veritas could clearly see his fidgeting and nervousness. He was anything but calm.

She indeed remembered the skill that was activated on them, but that it would remain in effect even after so much time, she never would have expected it.