"Airi where are we heading off to." Yui asked as the two of them walked deeper and deeper into the jungle.

"Remember how yesterday you were unconscious. So, after taking care of you I went to have a better understanding of my powers. I will now also be able to see the results of my yesterday's efforts." Airi said while she hummed to herself and kept on walking.

"So, does that mean you are able to use your power?" Yui asked, curious.

"Yes." Airi gave an affirmative response as Yui was excited to hear the success of her experiments at the same time.

"I don't know about mine. But I think I still have that lingering feeling of power swelling up inside of me whenever I try to think of protecting you." Yui held her chest as if she again longed for that power.

"Thank you Yui. And that just means we are one step closer to unleashing your powers. I knew you could do it." Airi remarked in wonder as she caressed Yui's cheek for her lovely sentiments.

It was still morning and they kept walking a little further, until an unbelievable scene was in front of Yui.

The only way to describe the scene could have been ⸺ marvellous and unforgivable.

But Yui, on seeing that Airi was not too much affected by it. She knew Airi was the one behind it all.

"Airi, how did you do all of this?" Yui grimaced as her face was devastated to see the pool of blood of monsters and their huge bodies pierced with several holes.

Several huge craters with sharp wooden rods were embedded inside it. And dozens of the same demonic bear monsters were lying dead inside them. From hundreds of their body holes, black blood gushed out like forming a swamp from netherworld.

Airi gave an unsympathetic look with a gratifying satisfied expression and looked at Airi.

"Serves them right! I can't let them just leave and walk away for trying to hurt you. If I have to I will next start a plan to wipe out their entire race." Airi said with a casual face but her words sounded cold and her glowing red eye spoke otherwise.

Yui realised why there were no further monster attacks.

Th simple reason being, Airi had planted these kinds of traps all around them and whichever monster tried approaching them was killed in an instant as they fell into her malignant trap.

Not to forget the recent monster cry must had been from one of these dead monsters too.

"I understand, but how did you do all of this?" Yui did not care of the consequence, if Airi has done something she accepts it with all her heart because she knew it was for her sake alone that Airi would do something this drastic.

"I used magic. Can't you see Yui, the powers we have is similar to those miracles that happens in fantasy. I can do anything with my magic called ⸺ [Concept Domination]. I can actually see magic floating in the air, in the earth, in the trees and plants." Airi bent lower and holding her words backwards she spelled them inside Yui's ears in a seductive manner ⸺ "… and even inside you."

"Wait! Can I use magic too?" Yui wondered.

Airi held Yui by her waist and her hand in another. She pulled Yui towards herself and tightening her grip around her waist and also feebly grabbing and rubbing her tight perfect-shaped hips.

Airi started moving in a rhythmic form as she invited Yui for a dance.

"Of course, you can." Airi laughed, while the two continued dancing in joy and celebrating.

"So how can I do this? I too want to slay some monsters for getting back at them." Yui too was burning for revenge and itching for some action.

"I think your power is more of a body enhancement type magic. Remember how you put a hole in one of these monster's heart just with your bare hand."

"All of that happened in an impulse and so quick. I can't really remember the energy I put in myself into killing that thing." Yui still wondered how everything happened in a matter of few moments and then she fainted.

"Don't worry I will show you how to!" Airi saying that ended her dance and brandishing her hands in the empty air.

Yui felt a strange sensation coming from Airi's body. Some kind of strong force evolving from inside of her as her eyes again started glowing red and now even her body was enveloped in a red aura.

Her hands pointing towards a huge boulder, and the next second the rock broke into several tiny particles with a huge blast.

"How did you do that Airi?" As the two of them watched the unbelievable scene unfold in front of them. Airi was excited that she was able to do that much quicker than previous practices.

She needed to be in her best form in front of Yui and because Yui was also there to cheer for her. She could not let her down and wanted to put on the best show of using her powers.

"I really don't know the exact theory. But for now, as long as I concentrate this invisible force on anyone they turn to self-destruct themselves. Most probably each thing in existence must have a defined threshold for handling magic and when it exceeds that limit, everything goes Kaboom."

The two giggled at Airi's bizarre way of explaining things.

"That's how I punched holes in the ground and break branches from trees. After that I used sharp stones to make them piercing spears and implanted them inside the pits. Put leaves over the holes and the fresh deadly traps are ready." Airi explained her whole hunting plan like catching a rat in a mousetrap.

For two people who were still not quite sure what was going on with their whisked away situation and encountering alien monsters, they were somewhat unstrung.

Rather they found the whole thing their playground as they moved further and overcame every situation with smiles on their faces. They had discovered magic and had already started learning and mastering it. Now their next objective was to search for some people.

"Yui just think about the endless possibilities we have here… not going to school, no work, no expectations. Just you and me…" Airi hugged Yui as she was elated to display her mystical powers.

Yui understood what Airi meant and she felt no different.

"Just you and me!" Yui repeated after her and added, "and I can forever protect you with these powers." Completing her final words, she hugged Airi back.

The two felt their body's heat and calming smell. They considered themselves safe even when they knew they were in a foreign world where ferocious monsters could have attacked them anytime.

"Airi please teach me how to use my powers."

"Umu! I will."

"So, how would you like to learn it. ⸺On bed or right here. You know I am feeling very hot right now." Airi did not realise it herself until now but because it was one of the few times she had been using her magical powers she started feeling stimulated.

This newfound power was bursting inside her body. Her carnal desires awakened to it as it overwhelmed Airi's senses too.

Airi's nipples in response to her rising sensual hormones had already became hard as Yui could feel them clashing with her own during the hug.

All so suddenly Airi bit on Yui's neck like a vampire's kiss.

"Mmmmm…." Yui moaned as she found her blood getting sucked from her.

When the two separated Yui found two strange dot holes at the bottom of her neck and a small amount of blood drawn out from her. For some reason Airi's eyes were again glowing red, a shade much deeper than before.

But Yui thought it was just a matter of heat and she was also immune to any pain that Airi would have brought on her.

"Airi is that really the way…." Yui tried to resist as Airi started unbuttoning Yui's cloth already.

Yui could not believe Airi was the same girl a few moments ago. The genius who discovered the working principles of this world and adapted to the logic of this foreign place so quickly.

Worked out the way of using magic and even prepared traps to kill monsters and keep them safe. All in just a span of a day.

But now she was just a girl and child in heat wanting to release her pent-up energy. Her breath was already heavy and the red aura around her became fiery as Yui could feel the hotness emanating from it.

Yui did not know what to do? Whether she should let Airi have her way and let the petals fall form the flowers again. Or bring her back to her consciousness and continue on their journey as they had decided to.

Also, Yui really wanted to learn to use her powers and the only way to do it quickly was having Airi's support.

"If that's what it takes then, Airi please…be gentle with me." Yui gave in or rather she unconsciously wanted it. There were very rare cases when Airi would be so forceful and it always turned out to be an amazing experience for her.

"Yui don't worry, the moment we two will be connected there will be no doubt that you will unlock your powers. I will pour all of my love… magic in you. The right way is always the way to the heart you know." Airi held out her breath drawing a line from her naval to the centre of Yui's chest.

Airi felt the racing heartbeat and it made her quiver on top of Yui. There was a mysterious attraction in her that could not always be explained through any words.

After those rousing words said by Airi. Yui herself did not wanted to resist giving into this temptation.

Airi hands moved from holding her chest to her thighs as she gently rubbed her lips on Yui's neck. Her face was close to Yui's face as she sat on her holding tightly. Things were quickly reaching fevered desire.

Airi dropped a kiss from above and Yui licked her tongue from inside. The lust in her deep eyes was maddening. Flames of her sexual desires were engulfing her body. And Yui did not hold back her was evident form Airi's soft moans.

Airi's face cheeks grew pink-red and her body tingled. It was all due to her light complexion that even a single drop of her tear from her eyes were so expressive that it would have made anyone furious and out-for-blood for the person who made her cry.


New cute illustrations of Airi and Yui couple making love - illustration link -


As Airi now successfully unbuttoned the first restrain button on Yui's shirt from the top and lightly licked Yui's nipples. She really found her chest was a bit small. But it had its own charms. They were soft and smooth to the lips and leaked an aromatic fresh smell.

But then unknowingly Airi's hands froze as they fondled Yui's knockers.

"Airi, what's the matter!?" Yui who was biting her hand in anticipation of Airi's show of love and to keep her moaning low for not attracting monsters during their make out.

She did not knew why Airi stopped despite her forced advances.

It was not like the Airi she knew, who would always go for the kill.

Airi's thoughts on the other hand raced faster than her heart.

Even though she was in passionate love and heat. A bit wild.

She held on to her senses. She was continuously using her skill [Eye of the World] to make sure no harmful thing was approaching them while they resolved their lust and Yui safely learnt to use magic.

But the next moment Airi was forced to look up into the sky despite the beautiful melons she was holding in her hands and only a second button away to really feel and taste them for real.

"Guarrrhahaaah…..Arghh.h….hh…" A cry from the skies rumbled the ground and sent all the living beings in the forest in panic including the two girls.

Yui's feet trembled and so did the ground.

"Is it an earthquake…"

"No…" Airi gasped, as if she was sober again and back to normal.

Or, rather she had to be to prepare for the unforeseen situation that had presented in front of them. With Airi anticipating it much earlier than it came, there was still something they could do.

Her mystic eye's pierce through the clouds and able to perceive the vortex of chaotic magical energy forming high above in the air.

"Yui change of plans, maybe you will have to learn using magic the old way." Airi sounded sad and serious at the same time.

Yui too looked into the air as dark clouds appeared to form over them. The weather acted crazy as the sunny day turned dark and the sky black with a storm of brown dust.

"Grahaaaaa…." Another monstrous scream from the sky, and the lightning split the sky in two.

From the storm a huge mythical beast with wings appeared and blotted the sky with its huge body. Thunder rained and wherever it fell it brought havoc and chaos with it.

Fire turning everything into ashes.

"Yui get ready! We are going to take that lizard down. That damn thing is going to pay" Airi screamed at the top of her voice. Furious.

And Yui here thought it was bad for her health but even Airi's angry expressions were something Yui did not get to see often.

Usually to other she always appeared expressionless and not interested in anything. But this expression of anger was also a way of showing love her for Yui.

As Airi would only get angry for her sake. Nothing made her happier than to protect each other's well-being.

But the flying beast in the sky made her feet tremble.

"Air what are you saying that's a wyvern, can we actually defeat it?" Yui's voice was barely audible in the raising wind storm and the booming voice every time lightning struck the ground setting the forest on fire.

"Who are you talking to? There's no one who can defeat us when we two are together." Airi said with utmost confidence and this time Yui couldn't agree less.

The two joined their hands together and were prepared to face the heavenly wyvern, as it slowly descended towards them. Its huge body a symbol of chaos.

Its giant head epitome of blazing fury.

And its demonic wings paragon of destruction.

◇ ◇ ◇

{Next Chapter : SYMBOL OF LOVE }

If you want to learn what actually happened to Airi to go into sex drive mode and why she bit Yui on neck like a vampire you can read chapters in advance on patron. its the start of the month, so I wanted to remind you all. https://www.patr* {*=e}

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