Chapter - 10 : SYMBOL OF LOVE

Chapter 10



"Airi we need to find a safe place now. How about that cave where we spend the night?" Yui tried to pull away Airi's hand. She knew if the storm raised by the wyvern hit them, there was no way they could have survived the impact from it.

"There's no time Yui, it has already locked on to us. There's no escaping we will only get ourselves killed." Airi spoke with all seriousness. Her speech had depth and even with the sweet soft voice she possessed, her words were daunting enough to give chills to Yui.

Yui could still feel the pain in her neck and the two-small opening in the nerves of her neck. The bleeding had miraculously stopped and Airi's lips were marked red with it. The kiss on her neck was more like anaesthetic; that even when she felt pain. Only to slowly turn into a bewitching pleasure one could easily get addicted to. Or, rather Yui now longed for a much deeper penetration.

But why would Airi do this?

It was only after that kiss that Airi became so brave suddenly. Her eyes burning with an intense red glint and the red aura around her body along with her dazzling white hairs fluttering in the morning sky painted pitch-black made her look like a mystical being from out of this world.

Which the two actually were. But as if a new part of Airi was coming into picture and evolving which Yui might had never been aware of.

"Gwahkkkaakkaaa….." Another loud growl from the wyvern's mouth and Yui understood what Airi meant.

There was not much time left before the wyvern would land on the surface. And if mythologies and games had some truth to them, then probably its fire breath would burn them alive.

"We would be…burned…to. Death." Yui now understood why Airi was being so ardent about this. Airi was the kind of girl who never liked to lose and yet she failed herself on the day when the love hotel was on fire.

And even today their very existence was endangered by this wyvern and most probably they would have been burned alive, if something was not done sooner.

The wind pressure due to the flapping huge wings of the wyvern put a huge burden on their bodies. The dust blew all around making it difficult for them to see farther than a hand.

The light from the sky had faded away due to the large black thunderous clouds that screeched and sent the ground ablaze; with each lightning unleashed at earth like a whipping rope.

With visibility reduced they would have lost their way in the jungle either way or would have straight away walked into the wyvern's firing range.

"Airi what should we do?" Yui looked no further and without any hesitation she knew which of them was going to pull the two through this ⸺ do or die situation.

It was best to leave everything to Airi whenever it came to planning and finding a solution to a problem which everyone would have claimed to be impossible to solve.

And their present predicament would be spoken and described of no differently.

Even if their enemy was a devil or an evil God, the two had already once cheated death. And when Airi gets serious they could have even claimed the titles of world leaders for themselves.

Now it was not a question for them of how they were going to survive. But rather when they would eradicate the problem from its roots. Yui was at her guard while Airi wrapped her head around the situation surpassing all possibilities that would have stemmed through their joint action and went even one step further.

She realised there was only one way out of this which could have been done at their level.

"Airi I want you to use your power. I know you can, because that's the only way. Or, we can just stay like this…" Airi hugged Yui tight and did not let her go as she declared loudly, "…for forever."

Yui did not expect such a suicidal plan from Airi. But she knew there was a catch because she had already stated how her powers became intensified whenever she thought of protecting Airi.

And at such a point where death itself was knocking at them and ridiculed their affection and love for each other. Her feelings were at its peak.

The guilt of being useless and weak about not being able to protect Airi at the fire at the love hotel, further deepened her hatred for anything that would later try to come in their way.

And before Yui knew it she desired annihilation of everything that ever tried to harm Airi or came in between their everyday happy love life.

Blue light suddenly started flashing on her eye and words overwritten them like being put in a trans-vegetative state.

She could again feel the same strength pouring in her at the time of demonic beast attack. In truth the power this time that grew inside her body turned out to be even much stronger than the previous awakening.

[ Unique Skill : Connect — God's Fist ]

[Awakening ⸺ Infinite Burst]

[Activating skill : Soul Strike]

Invoke [Augmentation Cast : Infinite Speed, Infinite Strength]

Strange wordings whose meaning Yui inadvertently understood appeared like a virtual screen inside her eye-retina and then they dissolved into the same luminescent blue aura radiating from her body.

When Yui looked around herself she knew she had achieved it.

"Airi. I was successful. Open your eyes. I am ready." Yui whispered happily.

"Good Yui. I knew you could do it." Airi who was still hugging Yui, squeezed her further tight and felt a new warmth and lovely smell inside of her. It was the new feelings they had developed for each other which later transformed into their unique powers.

The two separated and Airi leaned on Yui's ears and whispered some words which brought a stupefied expression on Yui's stern face.

The two knew it was finally time to once again put a stop to their fears and overcome their difficulties for the second time which life now threw at them.

They were prepared.

They had their newfound strengths… and with their bonds even stronger.

And… Together. They believed. That…

They could.

There was no possibility of mistakes or doubts; that even a wyvern was no more than a…

"Let's take that winged lizard; half-assed copy of a dragon, down. Yui." Airi screamed menacingly at the wyvern.

"GRAAAAAAaaagggghhhhh..." The wyvern shrieked as its huge paws touched the ground and scratched a huge part out of it. Its weight enough to press the soil and leave a massive crater.

"Isn't that the worst thing to say to a wyvern." Yui said. A thrilled expression suited her bold face more. It had been a long time since she had such a rush in her body and the excitement to face a strong foe with Airi was surely showing effects on her.

"I am not looking down at that thing or trying to talk it down. I am simply riling it up." Airi replied to her as her eyes signalled back to Yui.

"And it semes that your plan is working…." Yui conferred and the two started running in circle around the wyvern. As if Airi had already anticipated the wyvern's first attack, the swift tail sweep from the wyvern failed to even touch them as the two girls had reached the behind of the wyvern.

The heavy tail of the wyvern fell on empty earth and swept dust like a broom.

"Yui you remember the plan!?" Airi for once wanted to confirm or rather she wanted to know whether the plan was acceptable and move forward with it.

"Its still no different than signing a suicidal pact but if you tell me to then I am ready! If I am going to be the bait, you must have thought something special." Saying that Yui rushed in the direction of the wyvern from the back.

The wyvern with a huge unimaginable body, its head towered above the top of the trees. It shout take a pretty long time to reconfigure its direction and again aim at the two girls.

In this meantime Yui went up to pick around huge rocks. With her accelerated speed and super strength, it was easy for her.

The huge boulders with diameters of 5 feet or greater felt no more heavy than a paper weight to Yui. Yui who also trained in weightlifting had no problem figuring out the best way to maneuver several of these boulders and threw them at the wyvern.

"Iyaahhaaaaaaa…." Airi put all her force and her throwing practice skills which she had developed over years; turned the static rocks into super dynamic projectiles as it sped through the air creating booming sound.

It went shearing through the air, cheating the air pressure and all laws of nature it advanced at a frantic speed at the wyvern.

But in all honesty the two simply knew by looking at that wyvern that a simple hit on the its body would be of no use.

The wyvern's body itself appeared as hard as steel. And to support that huge framework Airi had already worked out what kind of breaking strength would be needed to pierce through that tough hide.

Mere catapult shots from Yui would only leave a dent but the wyvern would have soon recovered.

"Don't worry Airi, you are not a bait. But just a diversion." Airi chuckled. Her hands brandished in the air, palm pointed at the rock and the falling rock fell in the line.

Airi's face held a disturbing laugh, but with her cute features even that smile would have melted anyone's heart. And as for those stone-hearted like monsters would have visibly faced her wrath who dared to deny that.

"Yui , if you were a bait, then we would have been catching a predator. But because your role is that of diversion we have simply led the rat into our little trap by feeding it cheese." As Airi said these words, the wyvern had almost turned in fury to see the two girls running and thinking that they were trying to escape it tried to raise hell by shaking the ground with its huge body slam.

"That's the end for you. Go get her, Airi. Show that lizard what we can do." Yui cheered. But her gentle and good vibes surely throttled Airi's morale and gave a boost to her magic.

A strong wind blew. The rocks still in mid air as they headed towards the wyvern for a heavy collision from high up in the air. The wyvern who merely considered these small rocks to be simple paper ball in front of its unsurmountable durability, did not even flinch.

Or at least that's what Airi wanted it to think or waiting for that kind of response from the wyvern!

"Huh! You must have never heard of bullets then." Airi mumbled under her breath. Collecting all the magical energy in her body at her palm.

She didn't exactly knew how this magical energy worked or its governing laws. But since she has been practicing for a day it was enough to figure out for a genius like her and grasp the basic principles.

Airi's red magic discharged from her hand and at the speed of light reached and enveloped the rocks. Just before the rocks would actually hit the wyvern, they turned red, intensely hot to burn iron when struck over it.

With how Airi had discovered the fact that by releasing magic into any inanimate object above its threshold value would make the entire molecular structure of it to absolutely collapse.

Releasing a huge amount of energy and causing a giant explosion.

Airi did not knew exactly what amount? Since it was her first time trying to figure out on a wyvern. So, she poured all her magic reserves into the trap she had concocted.

Her and Yui's lives depended on that very attack and the longer the fight prolonged, the lesser the chance of their survival. So, she needed to take this chance and give it her all.


The rocks kept on bursting one at a time and the smaller rocks that formed were burning at the temperature of a meteor. With a speed reaching that of close to the sound breaking…. They pierced through the wyvern's body but could have only filled in few centimeter of its skin.

"Graaahahahhaaaa…." The wyvern shrieked in pain this time. The proud roar of its high status was gone and all there was left was his groaning cries of agony as its wings tethered in fear.

"I am not done yet." Airi screamed at the wyvern. She knew this wasn't enough to get the wyvern down on the ground. All this attack did was paralyse it in pain.

But what was about to come would have completely decimated it for sure. Yui this time discharged her left of the magic and even pulled in her life energy into the tiny rocks which were now embedded inside the wyvern's body.

Another chain of explosions sent the whole place ablaze, the atmosphere turned quiet or rather Yui's and Airi's ears went blank with the ear-piercing noise.


The wyvern's body exploded from within, its flesh and blood teared off and sprinkled like rain on the ground. It didn't even got to know when the explosion crushed its heart and left its body full of gaping holes to see through.

"Airi you really did it." Yui cheered from far.

"…Only… thanks to you..." As Airi pulled back her hand she felt dizzy and was about to hit the ground.

If only a moment later she might had been hit by a flying piece of wyvern's flesh and bone if she stood and fainted there.

But Yui using her infinite speed caught hold of Airi and dodged all the debris flying off the wyvern. It was a nightmare but not with Yui who was an excellent runner and had keen senses.

With her powers and superlative speed, everything to her seemed to be in slow motion. The faster she ran the vision improved further.

She did not let a single drop of wyvern's filthy blood stain fall on Airi's pure body.

She was today's star and a beautiful star like her needed to take rest after putting on her best show.

Yui escaped to a safe place with Airi and when the explosion stopped she looked in front of her the grotesque scene of melting blood and flesh as the smoke steered clear of her view.

"Did we do it?" Yui thought aloud.

A pair of eyes shone where a delicate girl rested in Yui's strong arms. It looked past anything what a normal person would not have been able to see in his wildest of dreams. The energy of soul and the magic that innately resided everywhere in nature.

[ Unique Skill : Connect — Concept Domination ]

[Awakening ⸺ Mystic Eyes]

[ Activating skill : The Eye of the World ]

Airi's skill was at work as it analysed the wyvern's remains.

"No, this can't be…" Airi mumbled as she tried to move, but her body ignored her request. There was no time to rest. She needed to tell Yui that things were not over yet.

She had underestimated this world and not realised the true potential of the powers they had cultivated. Airi was still a learner and the wyvern the king of this jungle.

Airi failed to recognise the difference between the hunger of a monster and a pride of a human.

"Yui… run…" Airi could feel the same things repeating in succession that occurred in the love hotel. The same guilt and fear of separation made her to shudder unable to complete her words.

"Airi, what's the matter?" Yui worriedly looked around. She could not feel anything out of place.

Until light from the mess of bones and cluster of flesh shone and covered the entire forest. The spark blinded the two for a moment.

Flesh again started to reappear at its bone joints. As if time itself was reversing around the wyvern. Golden flames burst forth and in that radiance that tall intimidating exoskeleton remerged like a growing wide mouth that would have swallowed the entire sky had it wanted to.

But its interest lied in the two girls for hurting it and exacting revenge by burning them to death was the last thing before its death.

And now it was the first wish and desire of it after its resurrection.

Its eyes rolled and followed their very beings.

"Guaaaerrgghhhh…." The wyvern hollered and a burst of flames from its mouth again painted the sky orange-red.

Yui at the end too could feel her heart becoming heavy. Seeping into darkness. The orange red sky played like a film background reminding her of the accident at the love hotel, bleached her eyes.

The two girls fell in total despair as the furious cries of the wyvern drove them to silent madness and hopelessness.

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{ Next Chapter - 11 : When the Heart Bleeds }

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