Chapter 43



It appeared to be a squirrel-like creature, but more feral. Silky and furry white hair covers its body. Silver glittery eyes and small paws with sharp claws.

It easily leaped to a great height in a single jump and ran faster than human eyes to keep up.

That was the kind of 'cute animal' Airi and Yui were this time dealing with.

"Airi how can something so cute do such wicked things," Yui spoke unsure. Even though at the start she had been aggressive towards the mysterious skill of this animal.

"We shouldn't be jumping to conclusions, I suppose. Look there." Airi points at the fields and the sure feeling they had during the fight that the clone shadows of the cute monster were destroying it.

It was surprisingly still in perfect condition except for the few large scratches because of Yui's devastating sword blows.

"Wait.. it doesn't make any sense. But I thought…." Yui stuttered and was still confused.

The whole situation did not make any sense.

"Unless it was not trying to destroy the crops or fight us but something else entirely. Remember it wasn't hostile towards us except for the fact that it bit me."

Airi looked at her arm and the healing magic had worked like a charm. If it was her original world her parents would have been mad at her for getting hurt and ruining her body because they only saw her as an item to maintain their appearance in society.

"Then how about we look for this cute animal," Yui suggested.

"That's a great idea and it might give us the next clue to this whole situation. Our mission is still to resolve the problem of what keeps on destroying the crops." Airi proclaimed.

Yui was delighted to hear her idea selected. She was intrigued by the beastling and wanted to know more about it, though Airi seemed to have her reservation thinking that the beast might not have liked her that much for biting her.

"Let's find out where our little guy is hiding," Airi exclaims as she invokes her unique magic.

Once something had caught her eye it could not escape her grasp. Airi had already identified the beast's magic signatures and she found it quite special and pleasing in her eyes which were glowing red now.

[ Unique Skill : Connect — Concept Domination ]

[Awakening ⸺Mystic Eyes]

All she needed to do was follow the trail through her magic senses.

"Yui let's go." Airi points in the direction that led to a strange part of the forest.

"I am coming for you cutie." Yui looked incessantly excited about the adventure of finding the unknown beast.

After running through the forest for about ten minutes, they found themselves surrounded by huge trees with thick trunks.

The place appeared to be mysteriously close to the crops as well as the river. It is a perfect spot for sustainability and how the ferns grew denser here, making it difficult for other large monsters to reach.

"It's so deep… I can't even see the sun above us." Yui gazes at the giant trees whose leaves formed a second layer of green ground above them.

"Didn't you always want to go camping? Let's come here for camping someday."

"Airi…." Yui grimaced as she had always wanted to try living in nature and challenge its hardships while also embracing its wondrous beauty.

"…. The whole night just you and me under the stars and cover of darkness… enwrapped in each other arms and if possible…" Airi held her cheeks as she blushed while dictating her imagination loudly.

"Jeez, Airi. But I would love that most." Yui pretends to sulk and then burst into a blushed smile as well.

The two spending the night under a sea of stars reminded them of their first night here. It brought both bitter and sweet memories.

"Yui get ready, we have reached that place." Airi and Yui were now both alerted.

But beyond a small lake, they suddenly came across, they saw an unbelievable sight of the same rare medicinal herbs growing on a small hill, and under a sharp ray of sunlight reaching the ground, the tiny white beast was sleeping.

Its illuminated figurine appeared divine and beautiful not to forget the sea of rare and important medicinal flowers were growing at its feet.

Both Airi and Yui now needed to act carefully as they nodded to each other. Much appeared to be at stake than just a cute monster or crops.

The two then focus their attention on the beast and on a count of three, with a faraway leaf drooping on water, the two make a quick pounce on the beast.


With a tactful jump, the beast reaches high in the sky and escapes both Yui and Airi who falls on the ground next to each other.

The beast was awake and suddenly instead of one, now the two girls were surrounded by dozens of them.
