Chapter – 44 : A NEW PET

Chapter 44



Both Yui and Airi were totally overwhelmed to see the many hundreds of small feline white beasts surrounding them.

"Airi what should we do now?" Yui gulped as she held Airi's sleeve tightly.

"The situation doesn't look good. But see they are not completely hostile." Airi says observing carefully and trying to understand the nature of the beast.

"I think you are right. It was rude of us to barge into their home." Yui says hesitantly as she leaves Airi's side to appear less alert.

It was a small tactic to make the beasts sneering at them feel a bit relaxed and let their guard down in turn.

Suddenly Airi starts walking forward which surprises Yui. She was meant to protect her, but she cannot do that if Airi herself walks toward danger.

"Airi what are you doing?" Yui calls, but Airi raises a hand, telling her she knew what she is doing.

Yui having faith kept silent and watched ready to jump if something went wrong.

Airi too acted a little hesitant as the beasts growled looking at her when she approached them.

Airi glances over all of them and then fixing her eyes on one beast she runs towards it. Surprisingly the beast did not dodge and when Ari picked it up in her arms all the hundreds of other beasts vanished.

"What just happened?" Yui was flummoxed.

"They were all just shadows. This creature had us fooled all the time." Airi laughed as she petted the white beast.

It comfortably twists its body enjoying the smoothness of Airi's palm which even a sensitive beast like that could not deny this heavenly feeling.

"So, everything is fine," Yui speaks as she approaches and the beast appears to be welcoming to her as well.

The two now together cuddled the beast and touched its fur.

"It's so silky." Yui glazed over its small body and looked surprised by its flexible bones.

"But I don't understand what was it trying to do at the farm. I highly doubt such a cute creature can do something so bad."

"You are right. I think I have figured it out. This little one was not trying to hurt us or destroy that place. It was protecting it from something more malicious. Am I right little one?" Airi raises the beast in her arms and wrestles their nose together.

"Kiwuk…" the beast raises its voice and stretches the whiskers on its face.

"Awww… so cute." Airi and Yui could not hold their appreciation for finding something so pretty out in the wild with such tame nature.

All they had fought against were hard beasts ready to kill them with any chance they got. So Airi and Yui were not sued to such kindness from the monsters here. But this one looked ready to be tamed and could be communicated.

Specially Airi shared a unique synergy with this beast.

After another small session of cuddling, Yui ponders.

"So, the real perpetrator is still out there. And it tried to frame our little friend. Such evil."

"Yes, I will never forgive that monster for doing so. So, once we find it we are going to completely obliterate it."

Airi was exuding a rather murderous aura while saying such violet things so comfortably.

"Then let's go back there and put that monster in its rightful place." Yui cheered.

"Kiwuk…." The white beast growled. Even the beast was ready to accompany them on this adventure.

In this little time, the girls had grown rather fond of it and so did not object to it. Since the beast wanted to protect its food and land.

"Yes, and I have learned the perfect magic to do so."

Airi grimaced her red lips curled up in a smile.
