Chapter – 45 : THE SECRET TUNNEL




Yui, Airi, along with their new companion beast headed back to the place where the crops were being destroyed by a mysterious monster.

Unfortunately, the cute little guy trailing on Airi's shoulder was being blamed for it.

Now Airi and Yui had a secret mission to clear its name. But Yui seme a bit distracted seeing how Airi got closer to the cute beast without any effort.

She too wanted to cuddle the white fluffy fur of the beast and snuggle its thin flexible body between her arms.

"Wanna try…" Airi passes a childish taunt at Yui.

"I think I will hold off till we complete the job." Yui talked about determination but her flustered face could not hide her jealousy at it.

"Ah! We are here." Airi muttered as they came back to the same place where they encountered the beast for the first time.

As they moved their heads around, thinking what now….

The beast jumped from Airi's shoulder and knowing that it was now his job to take this further down he ran straight into a thicket of bushes and wild ferns.

Beyond it was a huge rock and the white beast was continuously jumping over it trying to tell something to both Alicia and Yui.

"Does it want to play with us…right now?" Yui guessed.

"Most probably not…" Airi raised a hand as if she had already understood her new companion's wishes.

The beast jumped back to Airi's shoulder and then brandished her arms Airi activates her magic and lifts the heavy rock away with telekinesis as easily as if the boulder was of paper.

And exactly underneath that boulder appeared a huge hole in the ground that ran several meters deep. Just looking down disclosed nothing except the black space inside the earth.

Airi and Yui look at the beast and in response the whiskers of the animal twitch.

"Let's go Yui. I think we have finally found our nemesis and put it in its rightful place."

"Let's complete this mission for total victory." Yui cheered with a great fighting spirit.

"We will hunt it down to the end of the world and make it pay for what they have done." Airi makes a devilish face.

"Isn't that a bit extreme?"

"Nothing deserves to live who harms our darling." Airi pats the white beast's head and the beast returns the love affectionately rubbing his heady against Airi's soft palm.

"Hmmm… I completely agree. You have my support." Yui could not resist the temptation to experience the same.

"…Thanks, Yui. Let's go."

"Hnnnn…." Yui was taken by surprise when Airi patted her head and she felt comforted. She knew Airi could take anything in her control just by her single touch.

At the same time, the beast too leaped to Yui's shoulder and started playing around her back.

"See it likes you too. Yui is also very cute."

The two girls together hold hands and jump inside the hole ready to face any challenge.

Airi suddenly invoked simple light magic to enlighten the underground place they had jumped inside.

"What is this?" Yui gasped as the two girls now found themselves in a maze-like underground dug cave.
