first jump

After being kicked out by Jasmine from her room Robert come downstairs and started cleaning the livingroom, kitchen, and bathroom after that he clean his bedroom and his parents room.

Then he went upstairs and knock on her aunts room and ask his aunt "What would you like to eat for dinner?" there was some silence then Jasmine said "Everything is fine but i don't like bitter things." after hearing this Robert said "Okay" then went to buy groceries from convenience store and come home and locked the door from inside so he will not forget about it afterwards, after that he come into kitchen and started making dinner for himself and his aunt.

After one and half hour dinner was ready Robert glance at clock and saw that time was right for dinner so he called his aunt loudly "Aunt dinner is ready, please come at dinning table!" afterward he started serving food on plates and bowls and took them to dinner table.

He saw that his aunt is coming downstairs slowly, wearing her night clothes. and tying her hair into bun when Robert look at her he thought no matter what she wear she look just beautiful in everything and smiled. seeing him smiling at her Jasmine also smiled then she sit on her chair.

Seeing that she is sitting Robert also took off his apron and sit on his chair. after some awkward silence Robert started to speak first "What happened, why are you so silent aunt?" said Robert and started serving her aunt with food on her plate.

"Actually you know right that i didn't eat with anybody for so many years for me it is feeling like I am doing this for first time, like eating with someone." said Jasmine little emotionally hearing this Robert chuckle and said "Now now it's ok but you better get use to it, because from now on we will alway eat together, okay?".

"Yeah" said Jasmine while smiling widely and enchanting Robert. seeing this Robert started to thought that rose lied to him he is still feeling charmed by her aunt.

[No you are just too young that's why you are thinking too much about your aunt that way]

'Really?' thought Robert.

[Yes and well what can I say even though Jasmine have more intelligence than you it is better if you take care of her properly]

'Don't worry I will never make her sad.' thought Robert resolutely. No matter what he will make her happy even if he have to crawl on the sea of hell fire

[Yeah yeah whatever you say dumb host]

"What happened Robert?" asked Jasmine after not hearing anything from him for sometime.

"Ha ha nothing nothing well i was just thinking that today was longest day for me." said Robert and laughed thinking today was really amusing.

Hearing this Jasmine also laughed and said "Well it's because we got rose."

"Yeah well let's finish dinner and go to sleep for long long time." said Robert while eating

"Yeah for long long sleep." said Jasmine and start eating. after finishing dinner Robert and jasmine went to wash their dishes, he told her that it's ok but she insist and said she will do the dishes and took Robert dishes too. seeing her doing dishes Robert started to think about past when his parents were alive feeling little emotional Robert shook his head and look toward Jasmine while smiling.

After washing the dishes both went upstairs in their respective bedrooms and close the door and fall on the bed to sleep. it took Robert half an hour to fall asleep afterwards when they both fall into deep slumber they heard.

[DING, Welcome to the Novel world system]

[Checking for any selected novels]

[selected novel founded:

Novels name: World ending

F grade

Time ratio 1:10

Leveling ratio 1:500 ]

[Starting jump 3,2,1 START]

[Jump complete hosts please check your new status window which you will use in World ending novel world]

"Huh, what, what happened? where am I?" asked Robert in confusion. then he heard Jasmine's voice "Oh Robert you came." said Jasmine happily

"Were you waiting here." asked Robert hearing this Jasmine said "Yeah I was waiting in this safe place for like 10 minutes now that you came this safe zone will disappear in 10 minutes."

Realizing that he come late Robert said "Oh sorry" hearing this Jasmine said "No worries first check you status and can you see my status window?".

"No I can't but how?" asked Robert confused, he didn't understand.

"Well, this is system of novel not main system and don't worry we have map hear so we won't be separated from each other, see this blue dots are us." said Jasmine

"Oh good "said Robert then took a deep breath and said "Status."


Robert Williams









class: none

skill:basic appraisal(Lv.1)n

capital:1,00,000 g/c ]

"What is this? isn't this too short?" asked Robert in bafflement hearing this Jasmine started to laugh "Well this is status window of world ending novel not our main system and there are 2 days left befor apocalypse start."

"Oh but how you know that there is still time left?" asked Robert with some doubt seeing this Jasmine said "Well look downwards there is countdown."

Robert look down at status and saw

[2d 1h 23m 5s left for launching the game]

"It's actually a game huh". said Robert little surprised. then asked Jasmine "So what should we do for 2 days?"

"We will practice how to swing swords." said her aunt calmly while going to the side and started swinging her sword seeing this Robert felt she became different person but didn't say much because he also have to prepare that's why he just said "ok" and bought C grade uncommon sword and start practicing with it.

2 days went very fast and before hour ago from apocalypse, Jasmine and Robert sit together and look very different from before.

"Don't you feel like we are kind of different now, I don't know why but my mind is really calm." said Robert calmly to Jasmine his face become more charming than before in just 2 days.

"I don't know but I feel like even if I kill someone I will not feel any guilt, I don't know if it is just illusion or something else." said Jasmine little confused. they can't understand why they are feeling so calmed even though there is only one hour left before apocalypse.

"Hah, forget that since we can't understand it we will be better not to think about it." said Robert feeling little helpless about their situation.

"So what is your gain in this 2 days?" asked Robert.

I gain 4 in Str 7 in Spd 10 in Sta 5 in Mg and Int and last 6 in Chrm and got swordsmanship skill and I increase it to lv.5." said Jasmine calmly but also little happily.

Robert smile and said "Mine are little bit different but same, and I also got swordsmanship and increase it to lv.6."

Hearing this Jasmine become little upset and seeing her expression Robert started laugh and said "My beautiful aunt don't be upset about this thing, well it would be awkward if you got 1 level higher than me in physical skill at the starting, well you maybe didn't know but I regularly do gym so I am not that much newbie like you. but you are awesome though it is understandable. well your constitution is already 30 and now maybe it is even more or not well this is novel world so we can't just become really strong in real life in this speed and maybe we got bonus time because we get status before game started. that is why we learn skill so easily and leveled it up and maybe same for stats too."

"Now that you say like that it is understandable, meaning that after game started we will become like everybody here killing and saving monsters and people". said Jasmine calmly while smiling widely and thinking this is so amusing.

"Yeah and we also have to build our own world and getting best advanced class." said Robert to Jasmine calmly.

"What kind of class you want?" asked Jasmine.

"Well I want something like beast taming or summon type of class." said Robert hearing this his aunt also said "Oh I also want them this is not fair." while pouting.seeing her like this Robert said while laughing little "Yeah yeah, I will give you everything you want okay my cute aunty." and stood up and look outside of the building. and thought 'In one hour there will be disaster for the people of this world even though it seems like everything is going well, but they don't know that they will experience something they never think of experiencing.'

"Oi who are you calling aunty, hah?" said her aunt and smack him behind.

"Ouch, then what you want me to call you?" said Robert while scratching his head "Well just call me by my name, you know I didn't said it before but it is awkward for me if you keep calling me aunt, when you were little you called me sis not aunt you idiot and you are now 19 and I am only 27 so you better not call me aunt got it." said Jasmine while being embarrassed. seeing this Robert started to laugh and said "Okay I will call you by your name."

"Good" said Jasmine while nodding and crossing her hands together.

"Okay so why don't we buy some equipments, it's cheap here in shop though they are not of high quality because game has not started yet." said Robert but Jasmine shook her head and said "No wait till the game start then we will see what we can buy from it. it will be nice if we got good hidden classes in there." while tapping her toes on the ground like she is really getting impatient.

"You are right.c said Robert "But why don't we compete first?" asked her while smiling. Jasmine asked "what compition?"

"Why don't we compete who can kill one thousand zombies first?" said Robert. hearing this Jasmine smile and said "are you sure?"

"Yeah I am" said Robert confidently. "hm okay, what is the bet then?" asked Jasmine. "Well who ever finish it first will get chance to choose his first class. what do you think?" asked Robert.

"Hmm okay." said Jasmine while smiling playfully. Seeing this Robert started to blush and Jasmine laugh seeing him blushing like a girl.

"Y-you did it on purpose right?" asked Robert and Jasmine laughed.

[0d 0h 40m 20s left for launching the game]