game starts

At the last hour Robert and Jasmine were discussing about what should they do after barrier was down and game started. Well there is barrier outside the place where they got spawned so they can't go out without barrier being down and now that only one hour is left before game started they thought maybe barrier will be removed in one hour.

Ten minutes before the game, a voice rang out all over the world.

[welcome everyone from the world 10056, please listen carefully, your whole world will now become a game in 9M 30S, so please be prepared. do your best keep living]

"So it's time, huh?" said Robert. Jasmine nodded and said "Yeah, it is, let's hope that we can go out when the game starts."

"Yeah we still don't know if the barrier will go down or not." said Robert calmly.

They talked about something and when there was only 5 minutes left.

[Please choose your class card:

swordsman ☆☆☆

magician ☆☆☆

alchemist ☆☆☆☆

necromancer ☆☆☆☆☆☆

beast master ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ]

"Huh, what, but how?" asked Robert in confusion. Jasmine was also confused, how can they obtain class first, didn't they have to obtain it by killing zombies or completing quest? then why they are given class first even the game is not started "I don't know what's going on, but maybe it is because of our luck or something." Jasmine said after thinking little "Well whatever, let's see first what we got."

"Okayc replied Robert and both started to check their options "Huh? I got necromancer class here." exclaimed Robert hearing this Jasmine look toward him in shock "What? really, but necromancer is protagonist class. right?"asked Jasmine

"I also don't know what's going but I got 7 star beast master class. What about you?" asked Robert feeling little helpless and happy.

"Hehe well look yourself what I got." said Jasmine while smiling happily.

[please choose your class card:

swordsman ☆☆☆

ranger ☆☆☆


blacksmith ☆☆☆☆☆

spirit summoner ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆]

"Oh nice you also get 7 star class." said Robert happily "Yeah so I guess we don't have to compete for getting first class?" ask Jasmine.

"Well you are right but, well whatever it's not like I will say no when I am getting good thing for free." said Robert "Yeah yeah dumb idiot." said Jasmine while walking away some distance "Okay let's choose our class." Robert nodded and grab the beast master card.

[would you like to choose this class:

(yes)(no) ]

"Yes" said Robert in low voice then the card in his hand started floating in midair and started glowing while nearing toward his chest and Robert felt little warm after some seconds everything went normal "That's it?" asked Robert in confusion "Which kind of fx you want idiot just check the class information in the status." said Jasmine while looking downwards at her status panel calmly.

"Okay" said Robert with nod.

[Class: beast master ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Beast master is Beast taming class in which you can tame Beasts. Because Beast master class is 7 star you can tame S grade beast from the start and 5 beast from the beginning and on every 10 levels you can increase 1 more beast. Because Beast master is unique class you can only got class update in every 50 levels not at 10 levels like other classes.there is no weapon or equipment restrictions]


Beast inventory L.v.1(n): Inventory for storing your contacted beast.

Beast fusion l.v.1(n): You can permanently fuse your beast with other contracted beasts or beast materials with paying enough game coins.

beast contract L.v.1(n):you have to use beast contract to make any subdued beast your tamed beast and the more your charm point is the more chances you have to make contract with the beast]

"Hmmm the class is good and simple not many restrictions." said Robert after reading the information and look towards Jasmine, she said "Mine too it seems both our classes are little same. well, what skills you get?"

" I got 3 skills, beast inventory and beast contract are common, but the third skill is called beast fusion where I can fuse 2 beast or beast and beast materials ,meaning drops and make my beast stronger." said Robert "Hmm I also got spirit inventory, spirit contract and spirit summoning. well I have to sacrifice corspes of the monsters or people, The more high level corpses I sacrificed the more chances to summon high grade spirit." said Jasmine nonchalantly.

"So now only waiting is left."said Robert. Jasmine replied with "yeah".

After some time.

[3,2,1 game start]

"Ok let's see, yeah the barrier is still up."said Robert and Jasmine was also shocked and said little angrily "Can't we just smash it."

"Haha I don't think so beauty." said Robert and while walking towards the barrier pull out his sword from it's scabbard which was attached to his waist and grab his sword hilt by both hands and swing the sword hard on the barrier and "bang" sound came with collision. After sometime a panel floated in front of Robert.

[3d 4h 33m 20s left until barrier is released ]

"Oh three days after we can go out from here." said Robert after reading it, Jasmine saw him looking at front of him in the air and didn't said much, only said "Okay, let's spar for three days so we can get use to using sword." Robert replied with smile "okay".

After knowing that they will remain here for 3 days they started practice swinging and sparring so they will get use to using sword for killing something in one move. for another 3 days they were again together.

After three days they were standing front of the barrier. After some time the barrier was released. Jasmine and Robert looked at each other and nod with "let's go."

They come out of the building they were staying in and started looking around. It was disaster. there weren't many corpses on the road, no, more like the road was silent but full of cars. there were some broken buildings and distant gun firing noise.

"So this is the world of this novel." said Robert feeling sympathy for people of this world "Well yeah." Jasmine said while being little upset.

"Well forget it let's do our work." said Robert and started walk forward Jasmine look toward him and followed him from behind.

"Tap,tap,tap,tap" when they were walking on the road after sometime they started hearing footsteps of many people. Robert look at Jasmine and both of them nodded and unsheathed their swords from scabbard. Both of them took long breath to relax and Robert said "Let's start grinding."

From one of the building came out 10 zombies together running towards them. They were already rotten and smelling bad but Robert and Jasmine kept their calm.when zombies were 3 metres away from them both of them moved in fast speed and cut off the first zombie's head then second and third then every zombie was killed in just ten sec "Good work" said Robert while Jasmine took deep breath and said "This is just the beginning, we have some more company." and then more foot steps noises came and big group of hundreds of zombies came. and seeing this both of them run towards alleyway and the zombies came after them because of narrow place not every zombie can come inside the alley because of that they were killed by their swords. After half an hour every zombie was killed and they level up 5 times and got 4 skill books as a drops.

"Drop rates are so low." said Robert little frustrated getting only 4 skill books after killing hundreds of zombies. "Yeah they are, let's check the skill books first." said Jasmine while cleaning her face with towel after washing it with water. "okay" said Robert with nod.

[Skill books:

Lesser regeneration: it is active skill use with mana to heal yourself.

Lesser healing: it is active skill use with mana to heal others and oneself.

Lesser stealth: it is active skill use with mana to make you hide in environment. but when using this skill you cannot move and high level beings can sense you so please use with caution.

Arise undead: it is active skill use with mana to awaken the dead as your soldier. ]

"Hmm we got one skill book for regeneration, one for healing, one for stealth and what? what is this? we get one necromancer class skill book." said Robert with shocked expression and Jasmine was also shocked and look at the skill book. "Can we even learn this skill?" asked Jasmine while thinking how to use skill books.

"Why don't you try." said Robert and told her to touch the skill book on her forehead and then skill book glow and dissipate after sometime and knowledge flow in Jasmine's mind after 5 sec she open her eyes and said "Yeah we can learn it" said Jasmine calmly to Robert and he replied with laugh "I know I saw that."

Jasmine walk towards zombie corpses and said "Oi, help me for preparing sacrifices." hearing this Robert came toward her while holding the stealth skill book touching his forehead then it turn into ashes.

"Arrange this corpses in one place make mountain of corpses." said Jasmine and Robert only nodded and get to work and in 10 minutes both of them made a mountain of corpses.

Jasmine walk toward it and said "Please stay behind 5 metre from me." Robert nodded and said "okay" and walk backward to 5 metre distance seeing this Jasmine noded and said while looking at the corpses.

[spirit summoning]