Chapter 111;Run faster little rabbit... Run faster..

After driving for a while they finally arrived in the Capital, they parked nearby as they alighted and walked towards the scene.

The Red Cross Emergency was helping people who were still under the shambles, while the doctors were in their Emergency vans rescuing the seriously injured patients and others that were in critical condition.

You could tell that this bomb blast had caused an unrepairable damages, and caused trauma to the citizens.

Lin Wei and her crew joined in the team in rescuing.

She brought her doctors too, so they could save at least a quite figure of injured people.

Lin Wei looked around at the chaotic scene, she could see dead bodies sprawled all over.

Properties were destroyed, kids crying all over for their dear parents, it was a terrible and traumatic scenario.

"Grandpa I suggest we all get in and help rescuing people who are still alive, trapped in the shambles. " She requested, pitying the innocent lives lost here.