Chapter 112; Ming Xie... why are shying

Ming Xie sat down as she looked at the movie being played on the TV, "they must have seen many movies so they don't remember." How could she not understand the meaning behind that question.

"Yeah it could be possible.. you came to see your Miss?" He changed the topic.

" Yeah.. is she alright?" She inquired.

" Yeah... You can go in and see her, she is sleeping in the bedroom." He excused her.

" Thank you.." she approached the door, opened it, entering in as she walked towards the bed.

"How are you Ming Xie?" Ming Xie heard a hoarse voice greeting her.

"Am fine Miss... You finally wake up, How are you feeling now?" Ming Xie responded softly as she sat down on the bed beside her.

"Am fine." She replied hoarsely.

"Does a fine looking person, behave like you? You are weak and pale." She gently said.

Luo Wei sat up, even though she had some hidden superpowers, she felt weak and dizzy.