Chapter 123; We should already have policies

"Yes Luo Wei, that's because when I was careless during the operation, the teenager died in matter of seconds as the chip was holding onto a fatal brain nerve, it just blinked and that's it, the nerve was cut and it began bleeding." He explained.

"Wei Wei, did you warn him that we won't tolerate that? It's important to safeguard people's lives no matter what kind of experiment they are doing" Luo Wei turned to face her girl.

" Yes... He was actually detained here until I released him last night, Bai Chang promised to watch over him and these incidents won't occur, but if they occur we don't need to give another chance." Lin Wei explained, Luo Wei nodded her head in affirmation.

" We won't show mercy next time if it happens again, anything else Doctor Zhou Hua?" Luo Wei asked politely.