Chapter 124; They suddenly heard a loud bang

Everyone in the conference room kept quiet, they have now realized that Lin Wei is the duplicate of her mother, they are meant of from the same mould, their actions and words are all the same.

"They felt frightened being led by this scrupulous and cruel batch of women, this is their first time getting their hands into politics.

"All right, if there is nothing else I have to go and rest, let's meet tomorrow again at this time." She spoke and stood up, Lin Juan assisting her she exited the conference room.

Walking down the corridor, Lin Hong and Lin Huang tagging behind her they suddenly hugged her.

"You guys seem to be busy, you haven't paid your mom a visit." She stated softly as they lunged into her, and they hugged her tightly.

"Just a little bit busy but not much, you know how Wei Wei is demanding, she doesn't let us. They responded softly.