Chapter 256; Hehehe I'm a genius

" Humphh! I will come by later of course, but you aren't the reason after all I don't need my fellow man." He sarcastically remarked as he disappeared down the corridor.

"Humphh!" Zhou Hong lightly harumped as he concentrated on the files that were laying on the table carelessly.

Lin Fai finished up his breakfast before he walked down into the computer room, he met Eagle along the corridor.

"Let's go, I got a person who can print out the fliers for us." They walked down to the computer room while they had a small chat.

"How long will it take for Scorpion and Ming Xie before they could return back?" He lightly inquired as they walked along the corridor hand in hand.

"I don't know, they might be back in two or three days, we will just wait for them." They arrived as they walked in and found two teenagers there already waiting for them.

"Good evening Masters.." they bowed and politely greeted them since they were recruited soldiers.