Chapter 257; What a surprise Mr Ex President

Ming Xie saw the blue warehouse that they had hid inside previously, "it's right here.." she motioned them as she pointed out with her finger to the long building that stood nearby.

"All right, be careful let's go." Scorpion led as Zhou Hua followed then, Lin Huang, Lin Hong and lastly Ming Xie protectively.

They approached the blue warehouse, Zhou Hua and Lin Hong could already smell the herbs scent that wafted out of the warehouse.

They silently pried the window open before getting inside but they had just gotten inside the warehouse when the lights went on before they were suddenly surrounded by several shadow guards.

"Hehehe..." Ming Xie lightly laughed as she looked at the around dozen of men surrounding them.

"What are you doing here?" A man approached from behind the shadow guards as he looked at them his eyes narrowed dangerously.

"We should be the ones asking you? What are you doing here?" Lin Huang snorted back coldly.