Chapter 290; Don't worry Xie, it's totally unharmful...

"Don't you think it will be good if you clean it up?"

"Don't worry Xie, it's totally unharmful."

" But what if it went through some mud or dirt stuck to its fur?"

" We will wash it tomorrow, can't you pity it? Look at this obedient cat, I wanna raise it."

" Wu Xue, you won't manage to take care of it, it needs close attention."

" Don't worry, too many worries ages a woman faster.."

" Humph!" 

She patted it gently on its head before caressing the furs, she walked into her bed with it, the cat looked calm and obedient.

She could look at the tag curiously, now and then, even though she couldn't understand the writings, she felt it was a beautiful tag that made the cat look cuter.