Chapter 292; We will have to continue...

It was getting dark so they decided to find somewhere to rest, they hadn't had even one night of sleep nor drunk even a drip of water.

They have been traveling all through, so they decided to check into an inn.

But every inn couldn't let them in as they had a dead body with them, there was recently a plague that was spreading and everyone had said it spread out from a carcass of a dragon.

"We will have to continue with the journey." Lin Juan lightly frowned, he hadn't showered for days and even haven't eaten anything.

"It's okay, we can go on." The first prince nodded his head as they went on with their journey.

In the Forest, Luo Wei has been sitting there and crying bitterly, she couldn't tell the way back and felt sad being left all alone.

She stood up and dusted her clothes before carrying her luggage and returning to the forest.

Lin Huang sat on the dining chair silently as he ate his food, Ming Xie and Lin Fai joined him.