Chapter 334; know I love him...

"How is Lin Hong doing?" He inquired as he hadn't heard for a long time from Lin Hong nor seen him.

"He is doing all right, you can pay him a visit tomorrow morning if that's okay with you." He smiled gently, his brother was a bit calmed now and knew how to go around things.

"Is that possible?" He narrowed his eyes on him.

"Mnnn.. go to sleep now, you need it." He coldly dismissed them as he turned his chair around and began coding.

Why the rush? I didn't think I'm interrupting your privacy!" He stood up even though he retorted back.

" What's it to you?" He pressed the buttons on the keyboard as he began coding.

"Good night." Zhou Feng and Lin Fai echoed together as they walked out of the computer room and closed the door behind them.

"I'm exhausted and I need a warm cool bath." He sighed as his pace accelerated.

Zhou Feng hurriedly tagged behind him, "did you notice that Lin Huang is quite different now?"