Chapter 335; Hehehe, why are you being this sarcastic?

"You need to remember something, Wei Wei isn't a normal human being, your father ain't too and you know your mother ain't too.. so you are just overthinking." He ruffled his hair gently.

" Could that be a contribution towards his recent changes?" He felt all of a sudden left out of this big family.

" You don't need to overthink things, remember; Lin Huang promised to be your eyes forever." He took the spoon away from him and decided to feed him.

"Yeah I know, I just feel felt behind and distant from them." He whined feeling a little better as Luo Feng fed him.

" That's now good.. you should think positively." He rubbed his hair roughly.

" You making my hair look like a bird's nest." He gently slapped his hand off.

"Hehehe.." he just laughed off as he couldn't explain why he did that.

Lin Fai freshened up before laying in bed as he tucked himself in.