Chapter 31

A royal… advisor?

I thought of the men who wore long robes and strange hats, decorated in vines and flowers. The flowers to portray purity and the vines… to express loyalty.

Father had once explained that the advisors of the royal capital were men who could not indulge in themselves and solely lived to help the lord reign efficiently. They could not have children. At the time he hadn't explained why they couldn't, but I figured out later on.

My face twisted in disgust.

"I would never- do you know what that would mean for me?" I contained my voice using the last of my self control, "I- I would have to give up my life either way!"

He didn't blink at me, simply tilting his head with a smile.

"But you will not be queen?" He said it with such indifference I almost choked him.

"That and this are different!"

"They are. As an advisor you are free to give me your opinion and hold no bedroom responsibilities to me or rather anyone. As a queen your advice is not always solicited, but you owe me bedroom responsibilities" he explained it as if it needed to be, but I could see the going in his eyes. He was having fun with it.

My face burned indignantly.

"H- How is one better than the other?" I balked.

"Well if you detest being chained to a man then it may be better to be an advisor, but if you seek luxury and indulgence then be queen".

"Why would I choose either?" I finally asked, feeling the last of my patience run dry.

He smiled widely at my words and somehow I could see the darkest pits of hell in his eyes.

"Because those are the choices I gave you. You can comply or you can reject them, but as I am the crown and my words are law…" he cut off the words that needn't be said and watched me with a half-smile. I could barely stand straight. I stared into those beautiful orbs. Seeing my death written into them.

"Why? Why force me into such a corner?" I was speaking the words before I had even thought them over, "I'm simply a merchants child. I hold no special knowledge, except that which has been taught to me".

His gaze darkened, eyes looking at my shoulders.

"Because you've stepped into boundaries you shouldn't have" it was all he said before he vanished in thin air.

I stared at the spot he once was with shock. I laughed.

"What. The. Fuck?"