Chapter 48

I stared at the waiting room that had been converted to a temporary showroom. It was full of young ladies jumping from one design to the next, signing away at the board that took orders.

My seamstress' were all at hand, busy showing blueprints and fabrics. Some stood besides the displays of our original works, gently tugging at the fabric to explain the work that went into it. The materials. And the effect.

The men's tailor was in the same state. With more laughs than high pitched giggles. The occasional clinking of tea cups or wine glasses making me flinch, despite only being in the presence of prototypes and samples.

All in all the afternoon was going well.

Connor had stood beside me, leaning down to whisper.

"This is a success. I do not doubt it's just up to luck either" he winked and I blushed, throwing him a coy smile.

"Well I wouldn't have got this far without your help" I replied, noticing that one of the help I hired were making their towards me with a troubled expression.

"I hope you do well to remember that" he replied just as I patted his arm.

"How could I ever forget" I laughed back and made my way to the boy. "Is everything alright?"

"There's a man saying he's come on behalf of the dowager. He wants to meet you" he replied, eyes portraying he didn't believe a word he was saying.

"Right now? Escort him to my office!"

The man, startled at my response, nodded and rushed back. I quickly made my way to my office, double checking it was presentable. It had been cleaned in preparation for the opening day, but I still worried about the little details. I pulled out the sheet of dates available for him and put on my most professional face as I awaited him.

There was a knock on the door.

"Please, come in" I called in a voice that I tried to portray as both welcoming and intelligent.

The door opened, much more slowly than I anticipated, and when I found myself staring straight into deep red eyes I was at a loss for words.

Was I beginning to see hallucinations from being over worked?

But no matter how much I blinked, he still stood there. Body engulfed in black by a long cloak, but that face and those red eyes were unmistakable. It was when he smirked that I was sure.

"Not even a greeting?" He tilted his head so a strange of his hair slipped out from under his hood.

I stood up, still shaken by his sudden appearance.

"Why- Why are you here?" I stammered.

"Why? Because I missed you" his words laced in mockery as he took a seat before my desk, looking over the papers, "don't tell me you plan on rejecting me after I came here on behalf of the dowager".

My eyes widened as I understood and I nodded trying to put on my business expression back on, but it was hard to do that in front of the person I had spent nights cursing.

"Please excuse my rudeness. I had not realised the dowager would send the prince" I swallowed and took my seat once again, noticing how he still towered me despite sitting down.

"It's not a problem, after all we maybe more than just friends soon" he smiled widely, hand reaching over to run a finger over my left hand. I watched it, a strange embarrassment coming over me as I did.

I cleared my throat.

"I've made a list of the best dates for the dowager, taking into account the weather and temperatures" I handed the list to him and he took it carefully, eyes glued to my face while mine were stuck on the desk.

Why was I scared of this guy?

Had I made him into my subconscious villain while I was away?

"How thorough…" he drawled and he plucked my feathered pen from the ink bottle and began circling a few dates. "These are all dates that she can meet on- so which of these would you prefer?"

"I would be grateful if you could decide that" I replied gaze not once looking up.

"You know, it's quite rude to avoid my gaze like this. If I didn't know better I would say you feared me?"

My heart began to speed up at his words and with a long gulp I lifted my eyes.

"Of- Of course not, your majesty" I hated how I was instantly captivated.

He had pulled his hood away to reveal his midnight black. His beautiful eyes that drew me in stared down at me, face crinkled in displeasure yet somehow still beautiful.

He looked almost irritated, an expression I hadn't seen on him before.

"Is everything alright?"

"Do you see me as a monster?" He suddenly asked and I stared at him in confusion, shaking my head slowly.

"Not- Not at all"-

"Then why are you shaking like that?" He grabbed my wrist and lifted it. He was right. I was trembling with goosebumps all over my skin.

"I- I'm sorry"-

"I'm not here to drink your blood" he spat.

"It's not that, your highness. It's just you always have something planned whenever we meet." I admitted, hoping he wouldn't get angry and cancel the appointment with the dowager and also… hoping for some reason that he won't hate me.

His face softened and then he let out a low laugh that made me curse myself. It was beautiful.

"I suppose I should feel complimented that I make you nervous" he teased and I found myself smiling. I would normally feel insulted, right?

"Well not everyone can make me so nervous, with the exception of the dowager" I quickly corrected and he laughed.

"Of course, that woman can make our best general cry".

"Now that i think about it?" I hummed, "didn't you promise to spend a terribly large amount at our store? I hope you plan on keeping your promise" i chided.

He grinned.

"Royalty does not make empty promises".