Chapter 58

"What kept you?" I heard Lady Willows sweet voice from beside me and turned my head. She looked annoyed.

"My apologies, I wasn't feeling well at all that day. I should have sent a letter" I was actually apologetic about it. I wasn't looking forward to it, but I should have attended regardless.

"It's fine. You don't seem to well right now either" she didn't sound haughty, but I felt kind of insulted.

Music began to play and as usual the doors shut with a loud slam. I realised everyone was finally present. I hadn't realised we would be dancing however. The men from the last ball with black suits and white masks walked onto the dance floor, lined up and holding a hand out to offer a dance.

"Nine…" I heard Charlotte say and turned to her with knitted brows, "there's only nine".

For a moment I didn't understand at all. And then it hit me. There were ten ladies. That meant one of us would be without a partner and no doubt they would be dancing with… him.

He strode beside the men, no mask this time, holding a hand out similarly. He didn't look at anyone and instead stared at his hand, offering it to whoever dared reach for it.

The ladies all moved forward and I quickly rushed to one of the masked men, grabbing hold of his outstretched gloves hand almost inappropriately. I caught a smile on his face, sublime and barely noticeable.

The other ladies also took their pick, and soon everyone stood before their opposite in gender.

"This is a rotating piece…" the man who held my hand muttered as the music transitioned and we began to move.

I frowned, realising eventually I would be doing this with the prince.

"Sounds convenient" I replied and he chuckled in response.

"I assumed you'd go straight for the prince".

"I assumed you wouldn't be one to talk much but here we are" i replied with a smirk. My smirk washed away when I caught the princes eyes staring straight at me. He was dancing with Crystal who looked terribly pale and visibly shook, but his eyes seemed stuck to me.

"His highness may have my head if we touch so please keep your distance" the man warned, stepping back so we had some distance between us and I was actually glad for it.

I was in no mood to dance, or deal with Jules.

"Prince Alexei, you dance quite well" I heard a lady comment.

"As do you, my lady" I heard his voice reply and almost rolled my eyes.

I forgot that was his name. It didn't suit him at all.

I found myself rotating between the men, most keeping well away from me. And most daring a touch before flinching and backing away. As if they felt the threat of death the moment they touched me. I didn't have to check to see the culprit as I eventually found myself in his arms.

I didn't speak to him. Hoping somehow that would help time pass faster. Dancing in silence with only the music meeting my ears.

"Look at me".

I jerked my head up at the authoritative voice, staring at a face full of annoyance. His hands were on my elbow and I flinched at the touch, becoming accustomed to the distance that was not at all part of the dance.

I knew why I avoided his gaze. Because when I met his eyes I would find myself lost in the sea of his red orbs. I found them so beautiful and engrossing that it was hard to look away.

"You look unwell" he stopped dancing, stopping everyone else as well until he flicked his hand to allow them to continue.

"I'm fine. I've just woke quite tired" I coldly replied, feeling my chest warm up when he touched my cheek with the back of his hand. A look of concern that made my heart stop crossed his face and he suddenly looked even more worried.

"Your heart is acting irregular? If you are sick tell me now and I will take you to my doctor" he leaned down now fully grasping my face as his eyes looked me over.

"No- I'm fine. You're too close" I tried to step away but he pulled me closer.

"This is no good. It seems your heart is acting out of its usual order".

"Can you truly hear it?" I asked horrified, wondering how I was going to explain that he was the cause without sounding like a damsel from a Jane Austin novel.

"I'm taking you to a room to rest" he broke us out of the circulating dance just like that. The ladies watching us in either relief or anger. The angriest of them all was Lady Montgomery who looked like she was hissing at me.

"There's no need. I can go myself" I quickly said, but before I knew it I was no longer on my feet and suddenly held up by two arms. The world around me spun and just like that we were in a completely different room.

I blinked. Looking around in stupor and then back to Jules. That may have been a mistake.

Jules held me in his arms with such ease I felt like a child and his face was a mere breath from mine. I could feel the outline of his body against me, my body seemed to sink into his, pressed against him.

He didn't care for it. He simply placed me gently on a bed, laying my head down on a pillow as if I couldn't do it myself. But for some reason I could only watch him. I'm sure I was petrified.

"You truly didn't need to"-

"You've been unwell since this morning?" He cut me off, face serious. I nodded. "There doesn't seem to be a fever and your heart has settled… Will you allow me to call the doctor?" He asked tenderly, a stark contrast to his usual wickedness.

I shook my head, unable to speak.

"No… I'm fine…"

"Those heart beats were not fine at all. Your heart stopped for a moment! That should be checked" he looked so worried that my face began to heat up as I realised I would have to tell him why. Just so he could stop.

I could only imagine the rumours of how the Lady Colter caused a scene by summoning the royal doctor for nothing.

"The reason why my heart acted like that was because…" my face flushed at his attentive gaze, heart once again looping, "it's your fault!"