Chapter 95

The task we were presented felt more like a gamble than anything.

'Decide the best formation'.

The princes words echoed in my head as I stared at the three groups. In my hand was a small sheet of paper rolled around a pen. It was supposed to be scribbled with our decision.

I stared at the groups, with concentration. Trying to imagine all the following things that might happen. For once my brain didn't try to come up with the worst solution and get the worst result possible.

I knew the answer.

But as I heard the women around me jotting their answers down with careful concentration I found myself freezing up.

Everyone here wants to be queen. They want to have the power that comes from being in the highest position a woman could hope for. The money. The envy. That's why they stood here. That's why they continue to stand here.

Do I want to be queen?

I thought over everything I've done to be here, where I stand right now.

I found myself scribbling on the paper and handing it to the princes aid with a small content smile.

'Let's do something for me for once, not to show anyone wrong'.

He took it, looking quite startled at my expression. But out of the corner of my eyes I saw a smile on Jules face. Triumph on his lips and I for once did not care for it.

"Alright ladies, as we have all placed our bets we shall now see the answer" The prince tore everyone away from their chatter as we all turned to him to hear the correct answer. He said nothing as he became the centre of attention, smiling widely just before a loud horn sounded out and the sound of a dozen war cries shook the grounds we stood on.

We turned behind us to see the knights in what what most definitely a battle. It couldn't possibly be real? But there was blood- blood and severed limbs. Cries of anguish sounded the arena in what was a horrific enough sight to scare a lady to her core, regardless of status.

I felt bile on my tongue and I heard many ladies let out a cry, Crystal being among them. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the scene at all. I wanted to scream or cry, but nothing slipped through my lips.

No sound as I stared at men playing dead and what was probably red paint splattered across them.

They were acting…

The limbs were sacks of hay in an odd sleeve.

The fact it was played out like a horrific scene was relieving and my voice finally escaped my throat in gasps. It was only Charlotte, Lady Raya and myself who had noticed, everyone was either turned away or had fainted.

I finally understood that this was the answer.

They gave us the answer a bit more practically than I expected…

The only problem was that my answer had been wrong. The army that stood most intact was the one that was a protecting the noble. The other two armies had gone straight for each other like animals. Once the army that prioritised both offends and defence had been basically wiped out, the army prioritising offence had gone straight for the noble protecting army even though their numbers had dwindled well below half of what they started with.

The noble army had stood by as the two finished each other, leaving them with enough strength to overpower the remaining army.

Charlotte let out a laugh.

"I told you they would win" she chided to Lady Raya, who replied with a disbelieving scoff.

"You got lucky, Lotte. Don't carry any expectations for the next task", she childishly retorted.

"How about you Colter?" Lady Raya asked and I finally turned away from the scene.

"No" I shook my head, "I answered wrong as well".

"Ha! See it wasn't just me!" Lady Raya boasted. I wasn't sure about what exactly.

I opened my mouth to retort, something along the lines of how that didn't seem like something to boast, but Jules' voice boomed around us.

"It is important for a queen to understand as much about battle as a king would. She rules alongside the king not below him. If the king cannot rule then the queen will step in. To all those who answered correctly, well done. And to those who have not, I suggest brushing up on your knowledge of the art of war" his eyes swept all of us, but I couldn't help but feel like it was directed at me. Like an unsaid sentence especially for me.

'Prepare to be my queen'.

I felt a hand on my arm and turned to find Crystal. Her face was pale and dried tears were on her cheeks.

I stared at her state with dawning understanding.

Some of us… simply cannot become queen. Some of us will not qualify.

"Are you okay?" I asked, although the answer was obvious, "let's take you to your room" I said before I looked to Jules, he was already looking at me, but I already knew that. His gaze was much too intense to not notice.

"Yes, Lady Colter. Is everything okay?"

Lady colter, Madeline, just pick a side already!

"It seems Lady Hart feels unwell- may I escort her to her chambers?" I asked, feeling uneasy at his gaze that zeroed in on Crystals hand on my arm.

"Very well. I can't hold you back from caring for your cousin" he said the words politely but there was an almost unnoticeable disdain at the end of it. One that made me think that was not all he wanted to say.

"Thank you, your majesty" I replied before curtsying.

I turned along with Crystal, whose face was turning green, when I heard his last words.

"Be prepared for the next task".

I continued walking as if I never heard it, but I couldn't help but note the urgency in his voice.

What exactly could the next task be?

It was on my mind as we walked back to Crystals room.

"I know it was fake, but that was horrific" Crystal finally spoke, tremors still covered her arms.

"It was. I can't imagine seeing something like that in real life" I replied, my eyes felt bleak at the thought and my stomach churned.

I knew what war was, but I didn't realise how truly graphic it would be. Seeing people you know dismembered, dead or even completely changed through fear. It would mean accepting death before you're ready to.

I felt even worse when I realised Jules had experienced that at an age were he was still considered a child. How many wars had the vampire prince been sent to? I had barely read the tabloids, but I recall seeing some as early as when I was nine years old.