
Chapter Forty Nine

Jacel bowed her head slightly after she was introduced to Siegfried Lowells. She felt a little intimidated by the businessman's sharp gaze. Moreover, his cousin, Cameron Carter, kept smiling at her. Maybe it was her fault because she almost took the champagne glass. She wanted to pat her forehead hard.

Ugh, what a shame.

She was too busy with her own thoughts that she didn't realize when Sara touched her arm. Suddenly, she lifted her head. "Huh?"

Her dad looked at her seriously, but then he looked back at Siegfried and Cameron. "Forgive my daughter. It seems she is too nervous," he said.

Cameron chuckled. "I think it's a natural thing. She is still very young but she has to get acquainted with old people like Siegfried."

Siegfried snorted. "You are old too, Carter. You're thirty-two years old. Remember that."

Cameron just smirked.