Chapter 19: The Book
By the time the kids had finished their paintings, both had enough paint in their hair and on their skin to warrant a bath each. Miraculously, neither had gotten more than a stray spot of paint on their clothes. Amanda took charge of cleaning the clothes and the area that they’d used as their painting studio, while Levi instructed the kids to bathe, one by one.
Amanda also posted the paintings they’d done on the fridge, which had been woefully bare previously. She smiled at the brown blob Dakota had down of her wolf-form, and then the multi-colored semi-circle that was Utah’s kitty. She posted hers, too, so that the children would be able to see it if they wanted.
When the kids were done with their baths, they were both tired, so Levi put them down for a nap. Dakota had protested loudly, but only moments later was dead to the world. Apparently, without Levi there, they’d ended up staying up chatting most of the night.