Chapter 23: The Escapees

Chapter 23: The Escapees

During high school, Amanda hated running the mile. She complained constantly that she wasn’t a good runner, didn’t want to be a good runner, and most important of all, would never need to be a good runner.

Oh, how the tables had turned.

Her gym coach would have shed a tear in pride to see how fast she flew to the closet.

Amanda ripped the door open and dove for her coat, so frantic that she tore the pocket in the process. She yanked out the bear spray and spun, wielding the can before her, to leap out of the door.

There were two curious pairs of eyes watching her from the back door.

Amanda panted, shaking her head. No way. No way where they there.

The can dropped from her hand, loudly clattering on the floor.

“Dakota? Utah?”

They jumped at the door in excitement, tails wagging frantically.

Tears welled up in Amanda’s eyes. “Dakota! Utah!”