Lucky servant

(Lex POV)

The next morning I'm already back in the servants room I'd say its around four in the morning. I stretch looking outside the windows and very soon without the assistance of alarms the other butlers and maids started waking up

and yes we are sharing rooms together but luckily not beds otherwise I'd truly question the management here. It was fascinating to see the habits so deeply ingrained in all of them get them to be ready at this time. Just as I say that the ones who finish their night shift came back in looking all scruffy and drowsy. Feeling a bit of sympathy I picked the most energetic one to ask about last night. A young woman with brown hair tied into a bun and was currently unfurling it to relax. Her name was Carlene I believe?

"Excuse me ms. Carlene?"

She looked at me questioningly, I don't remember what sort of background she comes from but she was one of the more disdainful about my introduction as a commoner so it seemed safe to ask her.

"What happened last night? I heard there was a commotion amongst the guards. Someone even said one of them mention something about assassins?"

I kept my name out of it because my involvement shouldn't have spread yet even if in stories these sorts of thins usually spread fast. As long as people were doing their jobs rather than gossiping it should be like I expect. Her eyes widened a bit, seeming a bit surprised. But she looked willing to answer and whispered,

"Oh goodness, it was dreadful tonight some city level knights and mages hoarded the halls and we were told to keep a look out I was so afraid of losing my own life and the madames."

Her previously tired mood seemed non existent as she explained the scene. Using [character observation] her master is countess Hall and she seems to enjoy gossip. I have no qualms checking her hobbies I mean I don't "know" her per se... so what if I know what she likes to do in bed? I get it's freaky but I'm not using this skill to judge fetishes or anything else of the sort and I'm not a gossip queen to share it with any person I know. Got to use the cards your dealt. I've not only seen hers either there're others weaknesses I've picked up.

I simply nodded for a little bit as she wanted hwo freaked out she was. There's no news on if the assassination attempt was successful or who it was for. I approached the kids who've awoken and wish them a good morning.

"Hey Lily, Esel we have to go to the kitchen right? Could you guys help me in making some snacks I've memorised a few recipes to try and replicate."

Last night I spent around three hours continuously to study. [Tune out] levelled up only twice but there was a noticeable difference. I feel less burdened and found it easier to think about a single thing at a time than messing about ky thoughts by thinking of too many things at once.

Lily stepped forward after I asked for help,

"Yes young master it's my delight to be able to assist you."

I nodded lightly, it's rough seeing two kids who are labelled as slaves when I came from a day and age it is absolutely loathed. The most I can do is treat them well, because they are not legally allowed to be released without permission.

Slaves are often people who are unable to pay off debts, traitors, vagrants, and war refugees, or descendants of any any of the above. What I do know is that Esel and Lily is that they are the latter, because it is written in their titles. But what I also known is they are descendants of some countries nobility because they are also [Fallen nobility's children], annoyingly the damn system wants to be mysterious and won't show me their last names or their parents so I can't pinpoint what family they belong to. I bet all my money that they're children of another countries royalty or something! That's how these things always go...

I grumble inwardly as I'm lead to the kitchen. It's a vast space with all sorts of tools and there is a gas table which I don't recall if this familiar era had the same technology back on Earth.

(Narrator POV) (A/N the experiment)

Lex followed the kids to the kitchen, and was trying to cook up an interesting fruit dessert, but he kept on messing up the hand movements so eventually he showed the two of them the recipe he was trying to make.

At this time others had already entered and the kitchen was busy with around 12 people occupying various places and working in pairs. Royand was no where to be found and when Lex had returned he didn't find him in bed.

Even though Lex was drowsy he pressed on, and seeing Lily genuinely try to support Lex, Esel gave in and joined.

"Young master you should put a pinch of sugar here!"


"Now stir very quickly see how I'm holding it? Do the exact same."

Lex had no problem imitating the movements but found it tedious and wished there was magical spell finish all this quicker. By the time they finished making a few light desserts the others were done with their own breakfast and already preparing for the food for their respective masters.

Two hours passed and Lex prepared all the food required and practiced his tea making.

(Lex POV)

"Phew! Thank you both for helping me out, now that we're done let's go bring these Arlan."

I casually spoke but I received a 'look' from Lily and Esel. Lily spoke,

"Young master you asked us to help you, so if you'd please allow me to give you some advice..."

I nodded as we walked and talked.

"I would recommend that even outside direct interaction it is better to get used to referring to sir Arlan as your 'master' so you get used to the role. I don't know what your thoughts are on your current situation but it is best not to think or convince yourself that you'll be freed from your current status. In the long term it will help in becoming accustomed more quickly."

I bob my head up and down in understanding but internally I roll my eyes. I don't know to what extent but when I head back to Earth I'll definitely be disconnected or at least have it reduce it's effectiveness. I mean I don't know if I'm in another dimension or planet or something but surely in either situation even the magic "signal" should get cut or thinned out.

*knock* *knock*

Knocking on Arl... masters door I heard a bit of a groaning voice inside,

"Who is it!?"

"Master it's me, we've not had the opportunity to discuss your diet or preferred food so I've prepared some eggs, and a light apple dessert to go along with tea."

"... who?"

"Lex Armine Master, you know? the one you turned into a slave in exchange for saving my father?"

'He didn't forget me right? I didn't see him after he sent me off yesterday but like come on!'

Inside my head I scoffed if he actually forgot me, I'll leave and never return...

"Lex... Lex... Armine... Oh! Lex Armine the demons kid, and my slave yes, yes come in I've already gotten changed."

Demons kid? Oh... Lucas.

Once again I entered his resplendent half laboratory, half normal bedroom... room. He clearly had woken up not too long ago as his hair was pretty disheveled and he was still yawning.

"Huuam. Come in, come in the little ones too. Bring all the stuff to my laboratory I have work to do while I eat, in the meantime you can do more of your studies or go to the library. Just one of you has to stay with me to go call the others when I need you."

The three of us nodded in his direction and before he entered he asked,

"So which of you is staying with me?"

Esel and Lily look at me scrutinizing what decision I'd make, Lily in particular.

"Master I'll stay with you but let me just ask what these two wish to do in their spare time."

Turning around,

"So? What's the decision?"

Esel and Lily look at eachother as if they ahd some sort of mind link and Esel was the one to speak up.

"Young master we wish to explore the castle and perform some activities in the garden if that is okay with you."

I affirmed their statement but I had something I wanted to order Esel. So I tapped his shoulder and leaned in while Lily and Arlan looked at me a bit awkwardly.

"Esel I'm fine with you spending time with Lily but I need you to do some things for me. One go around and ask about the assassination attempt recently, act as if you've only recently heard about it. Also if possible find out about what is happening to the prisoner I defeated in the dungeon... and do it sneakily, it's not the right time to say this but... I don't know to what extent or how my father found you bit I'm aware to a degree your skills."

Esel looked at me as if he was asking me what I was talking about and I simply replied,

"Come on~ you know what I mean mr. assassin~."

There was a minute change in expression but now he simply nodded and grabbed Lily's hand with a small smile as they went to he garden. Is sighed then chuckled feeling amused,

"Ohhh, childhood~"

Arlan just looked at me sigh,

"Why are you talking as if your an old man, start talking like that when you're at least half my physical age. Because mentally I'm forever in my 20's!"

'Well I'm sort of over 60 years old mentally, kinda technically. I don't know how old you are though when I go the library I should read up on you and other mages.'

I lampooned inwardly and followed him inside behind the glass pane wall. Seemingly sturdy enough to hold the strength of his magical experiments. Inside was a voice recorder log,

"Experiment X-420 Still no results now adding 0.4mg of creation pixie dust and 3ml of Dorian blood, will it work? probably not , but today I've brought mister lucky here so maybe today's the day."

He recorded it then put the machine in a protective case then when shut various blue runes shone on it's sides.

'I guess it's to protect what's inside. Since when was I lucky when was my situation supposed to be considering lucky? A few days ago I experienced death like three times! I'm walking misfortune, just watch as it explodes in your face.'

He pinched a container and dropped it inside the mixture next he went to some sort of refrigerator like box that exuded cold and a red vial came out.

Opening the cork he drops it in steadily, he hand didn't shake a millimeter and when the red liquid poured into the pre-made concoction a couple of sparks of little lightning rose from the bubbling liquid.

The potion bottle was shaking side to side continuously becoming more aggressive than before and soon it calmed down and inside the bottle a little cloud formed creating little teeny tiny sparks of lightning. Arlan slammed the table and pointed at me.

"Haha! You really are my lucky charm I was right to make this decision."

A smile formed on my lips and I look towards the ceiling and inwardly I raise a middle finger.

'... fuck you too god.'