A child's punch!

(Lex POV)

'Let's think here... the options are all very vague but if there's something I've learned, is a few things. One the system will try to screw with me if and when it gets the chance too, despite its helpful appearance.'

'Likely to entertain my "viewers". The next thing is what makes sense here...an ally? I need to consider it's definition what does an ally do co-operate with you? Could be.'

'What is the silliest one though... ah... a daughter. If I do this what does a daughter usually mean to a me, a male protagonist? Ahhh! There are just too many possibilities.'

Now while I wasted time thinking about these things, I decided to follow my gut there isn't time to waste. my state is bad... like really bad. Plot armour is on if I just guess will I get it right?

'Screw it lets just pick the dumbest one!'

A daughter it is!

[[ Congratulations host you've now successfully adopted a girl without consent good on you... Here are your skills, you may or may not choose to take care of her. ]]

That isn't a question, I'll take responsibility for such a decision like a manly man's man.

[[Skills earned are opening




1. Faulty Caretaker(Passive) lv. 1

2. Sharing is caring(passive) lv. 1

3. Abuse of power lv. 1 ]]

'Quickly, quickly come on!'

[Faulty Caretaker lv. 1] (Passive) [7%]

You could not earn the perfect caretaker skill due to your lack of paternal feelings. The happier your child is with you the faster their rate of growth. (Condition for level up: Reach 10% in the connection bar) (Consequences: You adopted an orphaned daughter without their permission you figure it out)

'Sheesh tough description but this isn't what I need.'


[Sharing is caring lv. 1] (Passive)

Father and daughter are both able to use the others skill once a day. (Condition for level up: Find out eachother's secrets) (Consequences: Lack of privacy between the two of you)


A vein popped in my head, and I realised that Angeline will probably find out about this but for now we need to survive. This is the skill to do it.

Accessing Angeline's ability tab, I use it to select [Spirit world gate] a skill at the max level and upon using it.

A large door of blood red and black appeared, it was a hellish appearance but as I keep saying I left no time or room for weakness.

"Angeline I know you have a lot of questions but we have to go in now!"

She looked at me her eyes a little moist, for what reason? I don't know but there are multiple guesses I can make. She still nodded numbly and followed behind me.

The gate opened without me having to exert any effort, a dark green swirl that reminded me of a scene in ghost buster was there but I had to ignore the grotesque sight.

Soon I felt a tap on my leg I felt worried fr a second thinking that "Heinrich" guy had already recovered from my aura and creatine piece of mythril.

Instead what I saw was also a look of surprise on Angeline's face at being able to touch me.

'Either this is the privelage of being "the father" or the gate has enhanced her ability to make contact with the physical world.'

Since I can make contact I pick up the light as a feather Angeline to which she yelped in surprise, and I walked in as the metal man behind me began to recover.

I felt like I was falling for a few minutes. Endless intelligible whispers flooded my mind with what little sanity I could maintain I put back on my moon light glove. The whispers dampened but it was still loud as hell.

Eventually the familiar warping feeing began to subside and there was a chill in the air. The same kind as when Angeline would pass through me. The air felt thick, closer to swimming in deep waters than the open air.

I almost even hesitated to breath but when I did a sweet feeling flowed through the very pores of my skin. My eyes fluttered open and I looke around.

Spirit like beings floated all around the place making whooshing sounds mid air. Colours of red, purple, green and more, every object in the surroundings had a flow within them like a thick, viscous liquid.

I felt interested and wished to study the place further but soon the man's figure appeared from a familiar rose this time on the spirit world's side I set Angeline down as she also took in the sights.

"Lex where are we?"

"We're in the spirit world Angeline I'm surprised you don't know that you have this ability?"

She shook her head warily and looked me in the eyes hoping for answers to all her questions.

"I'm sorry Angie but I'll have to tell you everything later for now, I need your help."

"Un! Okay how can I help."

Her eyes carried a strong determination, and mature aura one you don't expect to see in a young child.

"Do you not feel... stronger or anything? You should be now that we're here."

She shook her head,

"I don't feel any different."

"Okay, that's fine there's only one thing I need you to do. I need you to trust me on this."

I whispered my "plan" to her as Heinrich's body was still forming. She looked hesitant but listened in the end.

I circulate aura into my right arm, it's spread a little thin but the speed of recovery is multiple times greater than the average person's healing capabilities.

A few seconds pass and after some more time to observe I've spotted a few kinks in the armour I could attempt to pull out and exploit. I set up a few little pieces of paper in a hurry.

Like little traps it won't hurt him but it'll hinder his movements. I even tried to get a hit in but like when respawning in some games, he seems impervious to my attacks for this duration.

You could make out when he was done by the the shockwave that rippled as he began to stand up.

Just cause I couldn't hurt him doesn't mean I couldn't exploit his lack of movements though. I fitted in what little remained in my pockets into the little crevices left for movements in his armour.

I even imbued a little chaos hoping that whatever mistake he'd make would benefit me. I pulled out the sword in my inventory, it may or may not have any special abilities but I'd use it to keep my distance.

It was heavy, definitely but nothing a little airs could fix. Only one of my arms was in working condition anyways so I could focus on using it.

I don't take a stance, I've seen a few recently when watching the knights at work but sadly I'm not talented enough to use it.

Sure I could command my body to imitate it but I'd much prefer working in comfortable conditions. A large footstep vibrated on the ground, the metal man slowly walked towards me, Angeline was hiding away and a few of the flying spirits began to hover around and watch.

I wasn't going to let him take the first move this time and so I lunged forward when he entered range, sword in hand I tried to pierce through instead of him dodging or making contact the sword was unmoving.

Heinrich was holding onto the sword! Not with his bare hands like in anime, he infused aura into the mythril bracelet I had pierced him in the chest with and used it to trap the swords movements.

'Damn it if my aim was better, I would have gone for the head.'

He trapped the sword in the circular object and in a distorted voice,

"You~are not worthy~ to use my sword~."


I clicked my tongue, using hsi free hand he pulled me in and launched a punch at my jaw.


I quickly used [Broken feelings] to distract from the pain I now felt... excited? Like in a weird way. Anyways I was no longer focused on the pain in my jaw, instead I smiled maniacally and pulled on his arm, after putting the sword in my inventory.

I tapped his shoulder by kicking off of him and pulse nudged this armour and exposed his right arm. Like a koala bear I hang onto his arm, a bit awkwardly I tapped another piece of paper in his armour that forced another piece off.

I kept holding on with an arm and two legs like some hyper animal. Once again he held onto the piece of mythril and used it like a knuckle duster. It covered in a now very familiar silver colour and came at me in high speeds.

Luckily I foresaw this and swung like a monkey on a tree branch, like a robot that can't stop it's movements midway he ended up punching himself in the arm, making a gross cracking sound near his elbow.

In a split second I pulled out the sword again and stuck it in his arm. I was thinking about the holding on till he fell asleep but I don't know if it counts as night here, and besides I don't know if I'd be able to avoid another punch like the previous one.

'His movements are not very fluid they seem very hindered like the joints in a puppet or robots, mechanical movements.'

"Haha! Suck it that's for my arm you bastard cheh!"

I spit in his direction and quickly avoided another straight punch, the wind just barely grazing last my ear.

'Come on one more~'

And as I wanted another punch my way, it heeded my call. Except this time I didn't attempt to dodge it moved towards my face insanely quickly. Then a green coloured force field appeared in front of me, this is the effect I myself programmed into [Binary shield].

Checking the description of it, it says,

[Binary shield lv. 2]

A programmable shield, that when attacked will place a debuff on the attacker while the receives minor buffs. skill may create an additional shield to assign to another person. (Condition for level up: Martyr your own body to protect someone.) (Consequences: Hosts unique class creates no consequences only weaknesses of skills remain.)


When I open it there's a drop down that gives a few functions that I had to figure out, like a real programming language it had strange symbols but it had a description of its use to the side.

The conditions I was eventually able to set were these, it'll activate if the person is hurt by something in the first place, this is to confirm and attack is happening it's not smart enough to identify on its own. Next condition is that it'll operate when an attack is within a 10 centimetre range I had to set the parameters for the speed and strength of an attack.

There are a few extra details for later. The effects are that it creates a hallucinations for the attacker that becomes more believable the more I'm attacked. I also receive a slight healing buff since I set it to work upon injury it'll heal the person behind it.


(Narrator POV)

From behind Heinrich as Lex was getting attacked a small blonde in the bushes was sneaking up from the bushes. Lex looked better than before and she was looking at the green shield in front of him.

'What is that?'

In a few minutes Angeline was forming question after question about everything that was going on. She didn't leave room to dwell on it however as she slowly approached the metal man who had been seeking her for so long.

She was thinking about Lex's request and wanted to trust him, she's a child mentally for sure. But for the time she's lived and because of the fear of being hunted having haunted her for so long, it created some maturity within her.

She wounded up her little hand into a ball and clumsily through it at the metal man.


A shockwave echoed from one end of the metal man, Heinrich's, body and sent him flying to the other end for a few meters! The tall person looked back like a rusty robot that had issues with its movement at Angeline holding her fist out and hands clenched.

Heinrich fell to his knees and then finally... collapsed.


(A/N sorry its late today, hectic day. No time to correct any mistakes there may be. Also this isn't the end of this fight.)