Lack of arms

(Narrator POV)

Heinrich landed face first on the ground, after creaking like a rusted robot. Lex was far more than simply surprised at Angeline's strength, but not only had she surprised him, she surprised herself as well.

She looked at her fist which barely felt any pain depsite hitting the hard metal rump of the metal man. Lex cautious as he is, uses his [Pathway Maker] skill to test for any fake outs. As the rule in zombie movies says he made sure to "double tap".

He removed the helmet of their attacker and saw a normal black haired man, he had pale skin and was both bleeding and sweating profusely. Lex could relate to this as he was visibly in a worse state.


Lex sighed in exhaustion and sat on the ground. He took in his surroundings for a moment and Angeline who had recuperated, also took a seat by his side. They sit for a few minutes while Lex healed himself, not to perfect condition but enough to only be left with some muscle aches.

"Lex is everything done, will I finally stop being chased after?"

Angeline asked in a subdued voice when Lex gestured to be willing to talk.

"I don't know Angie, we'll have to ask this guy when he wakes up..."

"Oh no! He's going to wake won't he attack us?"

"Yeah I'm trying to think of a solution to that exact problem."

Lex sighed again, he didn't know how to get this guy to not attack him, and decided to look through the [Shop] to find if there was any available and convenient items to restrain an aura user.

[[Shop opening...]]

Protagonist points: 123






'Hmm? When did my protagonist points go up? Why did it go up?'

[[ Host the protagonist points earned are gifted by the existences watching you ]]

'Oh? So now I'm getting paid based on my entertainment value huh? Alright I can work with this but can you notify me next time?'

[[ Sure ]]

"Um... Lex what is that text in front of you? I also got the same thing and it sent me a message."

Angeline suddenly spoke,

"You can see this?"


She nodded, Lex thought about the reason that was the case and remembered the consequence of a certain skill...

[Sharing is caring lv. 1] (Passive)

Father and daughter are both able to use the others skill once a day. (Condition for level up: Find out eachother's secrets) (Consequences: Lack of privacy between the two of you)


The consequence specifically says there'll be a lack of privacy in this skill. Lex could deduce that this is what it meant. Now Angeline had access to the seeing the system.

"This will be complicated how about I explain it to you once we go back okay?"

"But why~ I want to know now though?"

Angeline pouted and matched Lex's gaze.

"Well... gosh how do I explain this. You see there are a lot of powerful beings in the universe and one of the most powerful ones has given me this ability."

"Universe? Powerful beings? Do you mean like that grape juice man you serve, he's powerful right? What was his name Arlo? Carlo?"

"Pfft! Why'd you call Arlan grape juice?"

"Hmm? Because he wears purple and has green hair like the colours of grapes!"

Lex could hardly contain his laughter, though it was hardly funny it seems the exhaustion might have gone to his head and has him bursting at the seams.

"Hehehe *Cough* right, alright. There's a lot for me to explain so I need you to be patient till we go back."


Perusing through the equipments and artifacts sections he found some useful yet sadly, not so affordable items that he could purchase. He spent a few minutes doing this, even went through every inscription he has available to him.

However there was a particular lack of restraining ones.


He thought to himself. Since this was the case, it was lucky for him that he wasn't lacking in creativity. It would be gruesome but if he couldn't restrain him he'd weaken him to the point that it'd be useless to try and fight back.

"Angeline I'm about to do something very bad so I'm going to need you go to that bench over there are close your ears for a few minutes... in fact wait."

Lex bought a set of noise cancelling ear plugs for 2P.

"Put this in your ear it should cancel most of the noise."

"W-what are you going to do?"

Lex stood up and put his hands on his waist, looking solemnly at the man who tried to kill them just now.

"Don't worry it's nothing dangerous, but it's not something a kid like you should see."

"... fine."

Angeline is a sweet kid who listens obediently and is able to read the atmosphere pretty well. She nodded and took the plugs and sat on the now slimy looking bench. She didn't seem to be effected by it though.

Lex bought 2 items for 10P each, he felt a pinch towards using it but he wasn't going to dwell in it. From the inventory he pulled out the sword from before. He was even took the piece of mythril still in Heinrich's hand.

Molding it to a semicircular shape in another few minutes. He moved the arms into a sort of t-pose shape on the ground. Then Lex dug the bracelet locking one of his arms to the ground.

Lex's plan was to... cut off Heinrich's arms, it could wake him up so he was making sure that his other arm was restrained before he cut off this one.

Taking the rather large sword he lifted it in the air like an executioner in Ye Olde times.

Cutting cleanly through the wind he felt it dig from one end of Heinrich's arm to the other, the man himself who's eyes opened wide had red eyes and yelled in horrifying agony.


He visibly shook as a massive amount of blood began to spurt, Lex without thinking quickly moved to his arm and made the same movement, this time now that he was free from the single arm restraint he twisted and turned on the ground as both ends were showering blood.

Lex now took the two items he bought [Perfect bandage] it would clot the flow of the. Blood effectively on the desired area.

He still grimaced in pain, he spasmed up and down like when experiencing a seizure, and he was foaming a little bit at the mouth.

"Could you stop crying for a moment! Your bleeding has stopped just transfer some aura to heal it up..."

Lex spoke coldly to the man lying on the ground, the latter looked up hatefully at this guy who just cut both his arms off. Lex responded similarly with a [Death glare] and it ended up shutting him up a bit. Though he still bit his lip till it bled.

"Listen... Heinrich I need you to answer both of our questions so you're going to listen and do so willingly alright?"

Heinrich responded in the same distorted yet less echo-ey voice.

"Why~ should I listen to~ you~? How~ do you know~ my name?"

"The answer to your first question, is look at your state I just cut of your arms and even when you had them I beat you so get the stick Out fo your ass and listen.

"To your second question, why would I tell you? Now shut up, buckle up and listen."

Heinrich remained silent and Lex went to call Angeline who swung her legs peacefully on the bench.


She got startled and looked back, Lex smiled at her and bent down to reach her height.

"Sorry~ did I scare you?"

She shook her head defiantly from a little embarassment.

"Alright then, you can come back there just know you won't really like what you see. We'll be asking whatever questions we want answered, if you want I can answer your questions too afterwards."

Angeline shook her head up and down a bit hyper-like and got off the seat. Lex lead her to see the man Heinrich now sitting upwards, legs crossed.


Heinrich squinted his eyes seeing Angeline who hid behind Lex. She observed him and felt a very mild shock seeing his arms missing. They have already become stumps.

"*Sigh* alright let's get this started Heinrich you stay there keep your distance from us."

Heinrich nodded numbly but Lex couldn't care less for his reaction.

"Angeline do you want to go first I'll ask afterwards, I have a feeling he should know about your friend who you mention sometimes too so you can ask about that.

"H-he does?!"

"Yep, just stay next to me for now."


Angeline walked forward a bit and looked Heinrich in his blood red eyes.

"Who are you?"

"You~ don't know~? I am Heinrich~ as he said..."

"No! I don't want to know that, who are you, why did you start attacking me since a few years back, you used to be just fine!"

"That~ is a long story~."

Lex stood beside her, hand on her shoulder,

"Then give us a short version, tell is why you hunted her, did someone tell you to and why'd you become aggressive."


The story of the man know as Heinrich, goes like this, a few hundred years ago he used to serve a royal family. One known as the Torrent family. He follows and hunted Angeline for many years, because it was his last duty when he died.

Out of sheer loyalty he had become a bound spirit hunter, who only seeked to kill the last remaining member of the duke Gracia family.

The exact purpose of the order is unknown to him, or so he says. Once he became a spirit he had mostly forgotten his duties, he only knew it had purpose with this specific little girls remaining spirit.

For many year he followed her around, it eventually became a sort of game they'd play. They both witnessed the rise of a new castle people moving in, the entry of foreigners. Yet they could never leave. This game of hide and seek went on for over a hundred years until the final hiding spot.

This garden was the place when he returned here and found her hiding near it memories returned. Images of him chasing down servants and cutting them down. He isn't even sure what his position was back then, just that he was supposed to kill these people the family and servants alike.

Hence the reason for his aggression, his memories recovered and he felt it was his responsibility to both watch over this girl and end her remaining life. He didn't appear frequently recently but he felt like he was in an empty space and that a voice was talking to him.

It gave him power, that he wasn't sure he had in previous life or not. He was summoned from within the fog and from there the story was clear.

"*Sigh* I see is there no additional details you can mention?"


"Fine, okay. You okay Angie?"

"I just want to think for a bit, my memory feels like it's unraveling a little bit."

"Alright you can just go take a break over there."

Angie left to take a break with her thoughts. So now Lex had a few things to ask.

"Alright I have a variety of things to ask. Tell me about the flower you spawned from, does it have any special abilities? What is this fog? Why do we feel weak outside of it. I want to know about the voice. Lastly do you know... that the person you serve is...

"An [Otherworlder]?"


A/N Full narrator chapter hope it's written alright, I seriously need to sort out my schedule these delays and late releases are no good. Tell me if there are any mistakes today and comment suggestions. I gotta peace out can't reread through it for now.