
(Narrator POV)

"How... do YOU know of [Otherworlders]~?"

Heinrich's brow furrowed, he made an incomprehensible face at Lex's question. Though all he received was a sigh in response.

"Do you still plan on asking me questions? We just had this discussion..."

Heinrich grumbled in frustration, while Lex just had a small smile on his lips, tapping his chin.

"Ok maybe I'll answer your question of you behave more cooperatively in which case I have more questions than just that. Don't you think its only fair I give you something in return~?"

Lex meant well but to Heinrich he just looked like an annoying bastard. He could only nod and grumble even more deeply than before. Lex clapped in appreciation.

"That's great! So how about we go step by step tell me about the flower."

"It is called a Caligo flower, it summons all spirit hunters this fog we appear from is our connection to the heavens. People feel weakened when they step outside of it's range because it is people's natural desire to be closer to it. The moment you step out the body experiences a withdrawal symptom."

(A/N just note that he still has a deep, and distorted voice I'm not adding the '~' everytime)

"I see that's all very fascinating, tell me more about the heavens and it's connection to the spirits."

Heinrich gazed at Lex, trying to read him for every word he spoke.

"The spirits you find on the Tutoral plane are all who managed to either slip through the defences of heaven or were deemed unnecessary or even disallowed."

"Tutoral... What's that?"

"The name of our planet of course...how come you don't know of that much? From what I know the people of this era should still know this name at least those within the castle..."

Lex took in this knowledge like a sponge, assuming the possibilities that included the intervention of the gods, royalty and maybe even the nobility as a whole.

"You're right I don't know how I'm unaware of this information... alright you can ask me a single question."

"How do you know of [Otherworlders] that's my question?"

Lex didn't take too long to contemplate to answer his question since it was pretty straight forward.

"Thats simple really... my master is a top 10 mage in the continent I've heard of it from him."

"A top 10 mage? How powerful is he exactly? If he told you of [Otherworlders] I'm surprised you don't even know of the our home Tutoral..."

"Ah ah ah..."

Lex shook is finger towards Heinrich,

"Only one question remember?"


Lex chuckled he was sort of enjoying the annoyed face of this man in front of him. Every little annoyance made him grimace further.

"So you're a half giant, half dwarf how does that work?"

Heinrich's blood red eyes widened in surprise and looked shocked,

"H-how do you know that!?"

"I have my ways... so why don't you tell me about yourself?"

Heinrich coughed a bit in embarassment, he was caught of guard at the question he didn't expect. He didn't really have the features of those two particular races. Once again his annoyance had risen up another notch.

"...okay, but a majority of my memory before meeting my master is a blur."

Heinrich was about to give his backstory, but then something unexpected happened, a familiar mist like effect rose from the top of his head. One he had seen before making Angeline his daughter.

"W-wait a second! Before you go on I need you to stay still nor do I want you to ask me any questions about what I'm doing."

Lex approached Heinrich who's lips shut tight, and he looked strangely at the man who was approaching him cautiously. He had no plan and he couldn't find any possibility of escape let alone killing him.

(Lex POV)

I slowly approached Heinrich in front of me, I didn't want to get surprise attacked when I got near him. He could probably headbutt me using aura and it'd cause severe damage to my insides.

I placed my hand over his head, the familiar flowing water like sensation made contact with my hands. Then even more familiar notifications appeared.

[[ You can gain a sidekick! Do you wish to make this existence the protagonists first sidekick?

(Yes) (No) (Remind me later) ]]

[[ You can gain a minion! Do you wish to make this existence the protagonists first minion?


[[ You can gain a subordinate!...


[[ You can gain a disciple!...


[[ You can gain a...


I could feel the weird gaze of Heinrich looking at me just raise my hand over his head. I ignored his gaze and thought of my choices, I was going to make a decision right now. These were all the same options I had gotten with Angeline.

Thinking about what I wanted to make this guy in front of me I decided. I was going to get a...


I wanted someone to work for me, that I could tell to do whenever I want. I could delegate the jobs to him. I debated between a servant, minion, employee and a few others this is what I chose. The real reason? Because it sounds the coolest. I can call this guy MY subordinate, doesn't it feel like a way more powerful position than the other ones.

(Narrator POV)

Unfortunately depsite how cool the word subordinate sounds it doesn't have a very nice official definition.

When Lex clicked on (Yes) he looked at all the new skills he received. While Heinrich was looking off in another direction having received his own notification.

[[Skills earned are opening




1. Unquestioning (Passive) lv. ???

2. Down levelled (Passive) lv. 1

3. Released lv. 1 ]]


Lex took a step away from Heinrich in case he could also see what appeared on his screen.

'Hmm? A skill with question marks that's interesting...'

[Unquestioning lv. ???] (Passive)

The subordinate will always obey and never question the protagonist. Subordinate does not lose personality traits and free thinking. (Condition for level up: ???) (Consequences: ???)

'Definitely a useful skill but from all the novels I've read the things that have question marks attached to it are usually very sketchy.'


[Down levelled lv. 1] (Passive)

Subordinates abilities all remain the same, status is now 10% of their original physical capabilities. (Condition for level up: Protagonist must reach 50% of the subordinates physical stats) (Consequences: Their physical capabilities are restricted)


'This is literally a useless skill! There are no upsides to this! Is it supposed to motivate me to become stronger or something?'

"Hey! What's going on why do I feel so much weaker all of a sudden? What is this thing in front of me, who's becoming who's subordinate???"

Heinrich in a panicked voice was yelling questions after question at Lex.

"Stay still, and don't ask anything."

Lex ordered back in response as a test, to which Heinrich became unmoving literally he stopped moving any limb.

"You can move! Take off your armour and still peacefully over there!"

Lex barked hurriedly afraid this guy listened to him a bit too well... he sighed while Heinrich took off the heavy armour he wore and went to a tree to sit. A lot of little spirits followed him in a curious manner. Meanwhile Lex looked at the last skill.

[Release lv. 1]

The host can use this skill to have the subordinates full power be revealed at the cost of having 2 skills locked for a week. (Condition for level up: Protagonist must reach 50% of the subordinates physical stats) (Consequences: 2 random skills locked for a week)

'I see that this skill and the previous one are correlated. This one works as a sort of trump card though I already have a few... now that I think about it I sure do have a lot of skills bit they're all mostly low levelled at this current point.'

I gave myself some time to think and for now chose to heal up and ask a couple more questions. Knowledge is power as they say.


Heinrich's head turned jaggedly in my direction,


"Tell me about your sword and what'll happen if I were to take this flower?"

"That is my sword made from nebulonium it is a special sword it's effects can only be used by spirit hunters. If you were to cut the flower it would limit my movements. The flower absorbs my body and soul them sprouts elsewhere for me to move elsewhere. The flower once cut would send a signal stating the disappearance of the hunter it's connected to..."

"*Sigh* that's sad I would have liked to collect it and use it as an ingredient for something one day...

"Alright Heinrich I have a few orders for you. You will serve me from now on, you have no choice but to do so. You must do anything that can hurt me in any form or way. You will obey all my orders, but in scenarios where I am unable to give you a full description you are free to make your own decisions as long as it aligns with the original goal..."

'Ok that should pretty much sort me out for most scenarios I guess...'


Despite his original loyalty practically stolen from him, he still had an intense glare his eyes sending a chill down my spine.

"I have no orders for you right now, just go and recover if possible, follow me around and put your life down for Angeline or I in case we're ever in trouble."

Heinrich simply got up not giving me a look anymore and pulled in a swirling manner back into the flower. I sighed and went to sit next to Angeline now to have a talk with her.


We sat together for a few minutes in silence she was still swinging her legs peacefully, she noticed my presence but had no questions for what I did with Heinrich after looking back to see him gone.

I looked out onto the horizon, the sky took on a monochromatic hue with colours of black, white and grey hues. The spirits were what brightened the whole place and brought its own charms to the environment. It felt like a dream.

Even after having been her for around three weeks in this world he just learned was called Tutoral, these fantastical abilities and skills I've has received are never not shocking to me.

I would look at Angie who was lost in thought, her feelings at this moment were of confusion, solemnity, and nostalgia. I could to some degree decode these feelings but I could feel it wouldn't do justice to the depth of these feelings. I was in a rut I had no idea how to handle this situation. There was no manual for these things, but I wasn't going to hesitate. Whether or not she accepted the views of the system and willingly behaves a daughter to me would be her own decision.

I'm not a 'dad' planning to go buy some milk or anything, I said I'd take responsibility for sich a decision, I have yet to ask the system but I'm guessing she'll come back to Earth with me when the time comes...

I sigh inwardly,

'Yet again another difficult decision to make, what should I say. Guess the only route here is the honest one...'


A/N How far is Lex willing to go for his supposed 'daughter'? Will he find the right words to comfort a young girl in her time of need?! Find out next time on Protagonist. Level. Up!

Doesn't roll of the tongue very well lol. The chapter is a bit shorter than my goal for 2000 each, because I'm still fairly sick. I hoped you enjoyed reading, I'm a bit unsure of the pacing and when to introduce certain tidbits of lore like in this one... anyways see you on the next one!