A Talk

(Narrator POV)


A deep sigh drifted in the air of the spirit world, Lex in his stylish butler suit looked kindly at the girl sitting next to him. Thinking about the best way to approach this delicate discussion. With absolutely no experience in this matter he went with his guts.

As parents typically did in the movies to comfort their kids, he stood and then knelt in front tof Angeline. She looked a bit startled, her azure eyes shrinking in response.

Lex gestured slowly for her to remove the earplugs she was still wearing, and so she followed.

"These are very nice..."

She muttered softly as she removed them. Not expecting her to get the first words out Lex chuckled in response,

"I see are they comfy? You can keep them..."


"Yeah, if you ever lose them I'll get you new ones. I'll give you as much as I can"

For a few seconds there was and awkward silence between them,

"*Cough* Angie... Angeline, would you be willing to listen to me for a second?"


"Well first before I start, I just want you to know that before I explain to you this situation and my powers. I want you to know that you don't really have to accept it for what it is, I don't believe it's that official and so-"

[[ The host is wrong once you have officially declared the relationship between the host and the target all the highest existences in the universe have recognised it. Here are the ((Terms & Conditions)) in relation to this ability... if these are broken you will experience at least 5 [Redacted] punishments. ]]

"Eek! I-its this thing again Lex what is it?"

'The fuck? There are terms and conditions, are they serious? Also that blasted [Redacted] sign again.'

Lex gave the system an intense glare

"Right this is my power it's a bit of a complicated idea but I'll explain it to you, if you'd just let me..."

"Okay... I'm listening."

"Thank you for being mature about this *sigh*"

Lex tapped his chin for a second planning out his words, he spoke in a seldom, sincere tone,

"From what I was saying before, to what I'm about to explain to you. I want you to understand that despite how 'official' this is that I want you to have room to grow as your own person, or rather you don't need to be bound to me.

"Though to be honest, as long as it doesn't breach this..."

Lex pointed at the screen open in front of him. "Which by the way is called a system. As long as it doesn't break the terms I'm cool with anything..."

Angeline looked confused there were a few words that confuse her throughout this whole discussion, but she had a somewhat steady grip in the matter being beyond a normal persons comprehension.

"Um... then can you explain to me this 'system' what does that mean, and why does it say I'm your daughter now?"

Lex stood slowly still recovering from battle and aura shifting from area to area on his body.

"Sure! I'll do my best to explain it to you so get comfy this may take while... right. So a system is a-"

[[ Host the system can help in removing this filler discussion... ]]

'Filler? This is filler?! I'm trying to help a girl who's lived almost entirely alone for hundreds of years get adapted to this complex and intricate situation yet it's filler...'

Lex sighed inwardly as Angeline looked questioningly back and forth at the system and him. Lex ignored the gaze and nodded.

[[ Host can use new skill [Sharing is caring] to get your daughter to access the first skill the host earned ]]

"Hmm? My first skill what would that be [Crocodile tears]? How would that help me?"

[[ *Sigh* Not that skill host, search your [skills] tab to figure it out... ]]

"Just tell me won'tcha?"

[[ "Apologies for the systems behaviour it's the [System user talent] skill you earned from the first secret quest" ]]

"Ohh~ that one? I forgot about that one because back then I wrote it off as a joke right let me just check it."

Lex scrolled through to find the answer while Angie was having a hard time trying to read it presumably not understanding the text on the screen in a language not from [Tutoral].

"Aha! Here it is..."

[System user talent lv. ???]


"Wow I didn't even realise this one had question marks at the end I should pay more attention, these skills are beginning to pile up a bit much."

[System user talent lv. ???]

This skill allows it host to gain a general understanding of what a system is and how the one they possess is to be controlled. Owner of this skill is also able to figure out the functions and exponentially helps the user to grow stronger using it. (Condition for level up: ???) (Consequences: ???)


"I see, but it's annoying if this is the reason for my competence in using the system. I'd like it to be seen as my own accomplishments..."

Lex grumbled but another notification lightened his mood up a bit.

[[ The skill is not passive so everything up till now has indeed been the host own abilities... however this also proves that the host isn't to competent at remembering all of this systems capabilities. ]]

"Oh shut u-"

'Shit I don't want to swear in front of Angie, actually... wait I'm a single parent so... my daughter my rules muahahahahah!'

Lex monologued deviously in his head as he was going to be a not so good parent...

"*Cough!* Anyways if that's the case, that doesn't explain why I sometimes have a gut feeling when using the systems options, do you have an explanation for that?"

[[ ... ]]

[[ "..." ]]

"*Sigh* Screw both of you! Alright... um, Angie did you get all of that? I'm going to need you try out your new capabilities."

Angie looked a bit bamboozled her feelings read, extremely confused.

"I can't read any of this! I could read the one that said something about the daughter thing but now I don't get any of it!"

"Oh! Sorry let me just help you out with this."

So as Lex helped Angeline by pointing out what she needed to do and what to select, as well as going into the general feeling of using the system.

Once that filler section was done, Angeline who's child naivete let her trust Lex quite a fair bit as a friend. Angeline slowly got the gist of operating the skill eventually she managed to get the unnatural feeling of using a skill.

In this case [Sharing is caring lv. 1]. In front of her a familiar tab of skills which Lex could help her navigate through despite it being translated to fit Angeline's reading capabilities. Lex gently guided her like an experienced mentor in this manner until she finally got to select [System user talent lv. ???]

"Ready to choose it?"


"Okay ready? 3... 2 ...1!"

[[ [System user talent lv. ???] is being used by someone that's not the protagonist! Passing through restrictions. Identifying user. Length of users duration identified! Passing on skill now ]]

"Huh it wasn't this complicated when I use her skill though?"

As Lex was questioning the process of using the skill, Angeline's body jolted and fell to the floor surprisingly. She was heaving heavy breaths and an immense amount of sweat dripped down her face and soaked her pink dress.

"Hey, what's going on! System you didn't say this could hurt her!"

[[ The host never asked... ]]


Lex knew it was right about that he forgot to be cautious for Angie in this process, though it would've been a bit difficult to predict in the first place.

"Angie! Angeline! Are you okay, do you need anything."

She couldn't respond nor did it seem like she could hear Lex. She was experiencing a seizure like response and Lex couldn't confirm her health status in any way. He layed her on the bench carefully.

He watched on in worry, until she eventually managed to recover from her state. When she finally did she muttered,

"I see, I think I get the gist of it hmm this is, what is the word... ah! Enrightening!"

Lex looked at the unperturbed girl in from of him with mild shock one second she was having a seizure the next she's messing up the pronunciation of words normally. He chuckled,

"Haha~ do you mean enlightening? You were close though, I'm proud of you."

(A/N dad syndrome already infected him?)

"O-Oh yeah... that's what I meant."

"So... did you learn what you needed to know?"

"Yes I've got the gist of it, just give me an extra explanation of its use and the one you are in possession of specifically."


So Lex gave her the explanation she wanted and matched her ability to understand it quickly, though it doesn't give her an understanding of powers the system is derived from it was enough to catch up to an avid webnovel reader.


"Let's head back now? In my free time I'll teach you the language on my screen so you can get a better understanding of the situation. If you want to ask about my original world those are questions for another day."

Angeline bobbed her head in understanding and so once again Lex opened the gate this time back to the physical realm. The only difference was instead of the green swirl pulling them in it was blue this time.

"Heinrich make sure to follow js through to the other side!"

Lex didn't wait for a response, and Heinrich who was in fact still listening and couldn't comprehend the conversation between Lex and Angeline, didn't respond. The two of them fel the pull of the gate, like the spaghetti effect in a black hole and got stretched inside of it and pulled out normally on the other end.

The moon was still high in the sky, and though Angie was a spirit she was going to sleep in together with Lex. Who was absolutely exhausted and had to prepare for the martial arts training he'd get from Arlan the next day. Before Lex could hit the hay properly though, he received a very delayed notification.

[[ The host has levelled up two skills! The system kept them hidden during your discussion... here they are... ]]

[[ Your skill [Pathway Maker] has leveled up! ]]

[[ Your skill [Fortune Search] has leveled up! ]]

'Wow~ thank you so kuch for your kind consideration...'

Lex mocked the system inwardly, on the outside he just lay on his bed where all the other servants were fast asleep as well. None that were awake to ask where he was at the time.


[[ Your skill [Sharing is caring] has leveled up! ]]

[[ Your skill [Sharing is caring] has leveled up! ]]

[[ Your skill [Sharing is caring] has leveled up! ]]

[[ Your skill [Sharing is caring] has leveled up! ]]

[[ Your skill [Faulty Caretaker] has leveled up! ]]

[[ Your skill [Faulty Caretaker] has leveled up! ]]


He missed all the other notifications that occurred after he fell asleep. A small girl smiled happily curled up towards his chest. They both slept peacefully tonight...


A/N It's so difficult to bring it back up to 2000!!! Also chapter is pretty rushed lacking time my aunt is coming from another country to visit so got a family dinner today. Also I hope the conversation to story telling ratio is balanced enough I felt I didn't give enough descriptions. Feel free to comment about it. See you on the next one!