While on his way to the tavern, he noticed that this part of the city was in a bad shape. The houses were made of wood, the roads were all muddy and even there was not much traffic reaching the few shops that were open.
He did not notice at first, but he himself was wearing rugged clothes.
' At least I won't stand out in this place '
According to the map he should be now in front of the tavern. However, what he saw was a four story building that did not seem to belong to this area.
Inside the building, there was an empty tavern with a few costumers here and there. Jade went straight to barman.
" I am here for the boundless voice "
" Lots of people are... " the man had an enormous build and was casually cleaning some cups.
" What's your full name and who is your inviter? "
Jade hesitated a bit but then blurted out:
" Jade Hains and I was invited by Aisha Dracona "
" I see.. Well, sorry to break it out to you but Miss Aisha had not showed up hear for weeks.
" I am sorry, but I can't let you in without an invitation. When did you meet her, exactly? "
Jade pondered for a bit.
" 5 weeks ago "
" That's odd. The last time Aisha showed up was around 20 days ago. If she had invited you she should have added you to the list of the invited, but your name is nowhere to be seen.
" Well, as I said, no can do. You seem to be in much trouble, here's a drink on the house to help you think clearly "
Jade took to glass while being in a hazy state. What should he do now? Where could he go? He was not planning on going back home so fast for sure. So he finished his drink and went on his way while thanking the kind barman.
' I will have a look around and try to see what is the deal with this pl... ' before he could even finish his thoughts an explosion threw him off balance. He could not keep his senses sharp and so he started to feel heavy again. He started to feel his consciousness once again.
" Not this time ! " At this point, Jade was capable enough of regaining his focus in no time and thus regaining his cool.
' What was that explosion about? ' He could smell the smoke but didn't see where it came from. He tried following the scent, but that didn't work either. While his senses maybe considered abnormal back home, here in Judas, these senses barely kept him aware of his environment.
He didn't have to look for the source of the explosion. Not 10 seconds later, a shape, that he thought was most similar to a human's shape, passed through his line of vision with an unbelievable speed that he managed to see this shape crush into a wall before hearing the sound of the crush.
The shape was a human female that wore clothes that didn't leave much to the imagination.
" You will pay dearly for that " she said while standing up and cleaning the dust from her clothes as if it was no big deal.
A second later, another person showed up, throwing himself at her direction. It was a male with the same style of clothing as that female.
The couple clashed together for around 10 seconds in which they might have thrown at least 20 punches each.
' The hell is happening, how could they .. '
" I yield, I yield ! " said the male.
It all happened so fast, but the female seemed to have thrown the male in the floor and blocked his movements by twisting his arm in a hard angle.
" Never try to steal from my meal again. Never ! " she screamed at him before letting his arm loose.
The next thing he know they both looked at him at once.
" Oy! Who are you? I never saw you around here before! " said the half naked female.
At that moment, Jade noticed a hole in the third story of the Boundless Voice building.
' Could they be? '
" Hey. The name's Jade, and I'm supposed to be invited here if not for the absence of Miss Aisha Dracona " Jade decided to chose his words carefully. He still did not understand how could they be so ... monstrous?!
" EEh, so you are one of that bi*ch's servants... Well, as Duka had told you, she did not show up here for a while now. "
" She is probably dead somewhere... " she shrugged as if there was nothing wrong about this.
" Tell you what newbie. I will invite in if you follow my every order. The fact that you are standing here means that at least you have got the necessary skills to survive in Judas ".
' Follow his every order '
" From what I heard from Miss Dracona, there should be no contracts in the Boundless Voice? "
" Hahaha that is true kiddo. However, in order to join the guild, you need to be invited. And so the one that would invite you would of course give you some conditions to do so. Even Aisha was going to do the same with you, that is why she did not add your name to the list of the invited. "
Jade felt dizzy all of a second. He did not what to do. After seeing what these two could do, he too wanted to become powerful.
' Power is a necessary trait to become free ' he thought.
Jade decided to accept his offer, but of course he will try to negotiate the terms with him before hand. And just when he was going to shake the male's hand.
" Stop right there Mako. This kid is already reserved. "
The voice wasn't familiar to Jade but when he looked at the source of that voice, he knew him right away. It was Aisha's friend, Podric.
" Took you long enough to come here, mister Jade. Please, excuse my colleagues behavior. These siblings tend to be a bit all over the place. " Said Podric with an honest smile.
" Follow me inside. This was completely my mistake. Miss Aisha tasked me to invite but it completely slipped my mind. " They went back to the barman Duka.
" Duka, I, Podric Vihelm, invite Jade Hains to join the Boundless Voice " And just like that Jade was part of this place.
" Welcome to the Boundless Voice guild. The worst human guild in the whole kingdom. " Said Podric, his smile still hanging on his face.