The Seven

Podric led Jade to the second story. There, what he saw was very similar to what an office of a 9 to 5 job would look like. So many cubicles, and in most of them was people who seemed to be slacking off not doing much.

Then he heard someone talking and when he looked at him, he saw a man talking to a hologram figure.

' I had my doubts, but I guess that settles it. Magic does exist! At least in this world... ' Jade did not eliminate the possibility of the existence of these mystical arts on earth too.

" This is where we get most of our requests, it's supposed to be our 'Call Center' but as you can see we ain't getting much calls.

" And normally this is where you would have worked if not for Miss Aisha's insistence that you be added to the adventurer's team. " Podric continued walking until they reached the third floor.

This floor was less crowded than the one below, and contained lots areas, each one seemed to have its own atmosphere.

" And that's where you will be spending all of your time for the foreseeable future.

" You will train here under the guidance of the different adventurers depending on their schedule.

" I know you still don't understand anything about this place nor about this world, and that you must have a billion questions. But it is not my place to answer them. Normally, Miss Aisha would do the honors, but since she is absent at the moment, you will have to have a direct conversation with the guild master in the upper floor. "

Jade gulped at the idea of meeting the guild master right off the bag.

" So he would answer all my questions? " he did not know what else to say.

" Well, at least, the ones he knows the answer of. The title might seem cool but don't get your hopes up. " Podric spoke in a casual way.

" I will let you go now, you just keep going straight and you will find the stairs to the upper floor. Oh and before I forget, you will be spending your night at that place you woke up in. It is not much but that is the best we could offer a newbie who is not making a living yet. " Podric head back down stairs, and Jade went straight to the fourth floor.

In the last floor, there was tons of papers thrown everywhere. In order to go to the only office in that place he had to change directions multiple times, as if it was a maze.

In the end, he reached the guild master's office.

" Ah, you must be the newbie Podric talked about. I am Kevin Levin, the manager of this establishment, forgive me for the mess." he was a guy that seemed to be in his late thirties.

" I'd like to welcome you to the club! As you can see we are not the most powerful guild out there, none the less we are a proud guild " Kevin puffed his chest in the last part. He seemed to really take pride in this place.

" It is an honor to meet you, sir " Jade decided to use politeness in this particular scenario. After all, this man will be his main source of information and guide in this world, information that was at the moment of the at most importance to him.

" As you just said, sir, I am still a newbie and honestly I don't know anything about this world other than its name. "

Kevin laughed whole heartedly.

" Well, let me break it out to you. Even the name part is out of your knowledge. Judas is just the name of the first man to step here from Earth.

" As for the basics let us see.. " Keven pondered for a bit.

" Let's put it this way. There are multiple guilds in this kingdom. The guilds are composed of people from Earth like us, and even some of this world's inhabitants who are worthy enough to be - manipulators -. "

Finally, Jade started getting something to work with.

" As for this kingdom, it is the only human kingdom out there. Other than this kingdom, there six more, each is inhabited by different races. "

" Wow, what kind of races are there? " Jade's interest was peaked.

" There are dwarves, elves, demons, angels,.. wait, hold on, let me finish what I was saying " Keven did not seem to be so bright.

" Each kingdom is ruled by a lord who is considered a god in the eyes of the people due to his overwhelming power.

" Now, I know this would generate more questions in your mind. But for the time being, just take as it is. "

" So what is the point of guilds, why were we granted access to this world? "

" Yeah.. That is also a complicated question... Let us just say that the world needs to be balanced between the different races, and that our existence is meant to help keep it. "

" So are we are fighting the other kingdoms? "

" Not necessarily, the conflict could be either external with other races or internal between humans. " Jade nodded.

' At least now I have an idea on what is going on '

" I guess this should be enough information to get you started. "

Kevin activated some sort of amulet that showed him a hologram figure.

" Mako, would you be a dear and help our new spirit get the ropes of what we do around here? " said Kevin while putting on a smile as fake as a three dolor bill.

" Eghh as if I have any choice in the matter.. "

" You are right, you have got no choice, so get to the third floor as soon as possible. Mister Hains will meet you there. " Mako seemed to be so annoyed by the task but he did not threw a fuss about it.

" And I will see you later, Jade. He might seem like a dush bag but under all that bad attitude, Mako has a really good heart. "

Jade bid him farewell and went on his way. He did not believe for a second that such a person could be kind heated.