
... Long time ago in the town of Louis, babies born with birth mark on their body were been killed with the believe that they only bring nothing but curse. Every mother whose child has a mark watched their child been thrown into the sea to die. Unluckily for Randal she gave birth to a boy with a mark on his chest. The mother of the baby born with a mark was crying in her room then her husband comes in.

Sui:(Standing at the door looking unhappy). It's time Randal. (Randal wrapped her baby with a piece of cloth and stood up from the bed as she goes outside meeting the priest waiting).

Williams: The baby should be thrown into Sokpou sea then your family will be cleansed. Go now and drop the baby in the sea. (Tears trickled down Randal's cheek as she walk passed the priest heading to Sokpou sea alone).

Randal:(Bends down in the bank of the sea and drop the baby on the water as she sobs). I love you my dear son. It's not my intention to do this to you, I pray the gods be with you. (She pushed the baby as the baby float down the sea. Randal watch her only child leaving her as she cries so loud. She cleaned the tears and ran back home).

Williams:(Sighted Randal approaching) Now it's time for the cleasen. (A water in a small bowl was brought in as the family of Sui was cleansed with the believe that the curse the baby brought upon them has been washed away).


(The baby still floating on the water crying so loud as he got to a point in the sea that seems deep. A creature came out and saw the baby crying).

Meena:(Brings the baby close to her) Awwn, he is so cute. Humans are so heartless, they just reject this poor little kid for no reason. (She carried the baby as she dived into the water. She swims down the sea as it came to her notice the baby could not breathe). Oh no! (She gave the baby a deep kiss as the baby got adapted to the water environment).