"Son!? "

(Actually that creature that took the baby into the sea is a mermaid as she swims to her house. Mathias her husband has been sick for days. He is resting in his room on top of his bed as he sees his wife approaching with a baby).

Mathias:(He sat on the bed slowly) Is that not a human being in your hands?

Meena: Yea, isn't he cute?

Mathias: Common Meena, we can't allow a human being down the sea. He is not one of our kind. You have to return this baby back to its parent.

Meena: Mathias please stop, this baby was rejected by his own parent and was thrown into the sea. I heard the voice of the baby so I rescued him. I don't want him dead, I'm going to keep him as my son.

Mathias: Son!?

Meena: He is too young to die, please let's keep him. You can touch him (Mathias refuse to touch the baby but the baby fingers touched him as Mathias felt something entered into him. An ethereal blue light went through the baby black spot on his chest).

Mathias: Meena, I'm strong! (Stands from the bed as he swimms so freely. He came closer to Meena and carried the baby) This baby was born with powers in him.

Meena:(Seems so confused) What are you saying?

Mathias: I received healing from him immediately I touched him. The baby will stay with us. (Meena got excited) He shall be called MOJO.

Meena: Thank you so much. (She hugs Mathias as light fades).