Four Days Time!

(Mojo seated in front of the hut healing a little boy lying on a mat. Williams came in and saw how the little was healed).

Williams: So you are the one gradually taking my place?

Mojo: What do you mean?

Williams: Why did you take the task assigned to me by the gods?

Mojo: And what's the task?

Williams: Healing the people of... (Noticing the mark on Mojo's chest). Oh I see. So it's true, your parent still kept you to live.

Sui:(Comes out of the hut with Randal) What's going on here? (Noticed Williams as he got scared). Oh my priest, you're welcome.

Williams:(Points to Mojo) He is having a birthmark. He supposed to be dead, so why is he still alive?

Randal: My son been alive today was planned by the gods. The gods sent him to this town to accomplish a mission.

Williams: Shut up woman! (Turns to Sui as he continues) According to traditions, the boy must be brought to the shrine to be sacrificed. In four days time, if the boy is not at the shrine please don't trigger the anger of the gods. Four days time! The gods has spoken. (He left the compound).

Randal:(Got closer to Mojo). You won't die my son. The priest does not know what he is saying. The gods have a reason for keeping you alive.

Mojo: Mum, I'm not afraid. If the priest wants fight, I'm ready to fight him and that gods of his.

Sui: No my son, that's a dangerous mission.

Mojo: I laugh at danger.

Randal: Mojo, we your parent will protect you. Nothing is going to happen to you. (They all went into the hut as light fades).