"A Baby Escaped!"

(Maul on his throne discussing with Marble about the existence of human beings outside the sea).

Maul: It was a human that made It possible for me to become the king under the sea.

Marble: So truly, human beings exist. You have kept me in this palace since the day I was born. You never told me anything. Still same faces I see everyday. I need to go outside dad.

Maul: Marble, you are my only daughter and I have to protect you. The mermaids out there are jealous and they will do anything to hurt you.

Marble: Why would they be jealous dad!?

Maul: You ask too much question Marble.

Marble: You have been hiding me in this palace for years now. I demand to know the truth. How I wish mum was here.

Maul: Don't dare involve the dead! She is gone but not forgotten though. Your dead mother has nothing to do with what we are discussing.

Marble: What really happened to mum?

Maul:(In a loud voice) I said... (Suddenly Williams appears in the palace as Marble was shocked. She stood up and hid at the back of Maul's throne). My long time friend, wow you visited after many years of promise you will visit immediately I become king.

Williams: I want us to be alone.

Maul: Marble can you please excuse us?

Marble:(Shocked) Okay dad. (She went inside but hid behind a door to hear their conversation).

Williams: Who is that girl?

Maul: That's my daughter. Her name is Marble.

Williams: And you never told me.

Maul: Since you never come to visit. Assuming you fulfill your promise, you would have seen when she was a kid.

Williams: Where is your wife then?

Maul: She died while giving birth to her. So please, can you spill out why you are here?

Williams: Oh, I hope I didn't upset you?

Maul: Please go ahead... why are you here?

Williams: Maul, all babies thrown into the sea, are you sure you have them killed?

Maul: Yea sure. I did what you told me to do. I kill and drink their blood.

Williams: If you do kill the babies, how possible did a baby escaped. Now he is a grown man with a mark on his chest. How could you let it happen?

Maul: Really? A mark on his chest?

Williams: No one can replace me. The boy must die.

Maul: A mermaid is in my custody, I got her arrested because she brought in a human into the sea. And guess what... it seems the boy is possessed with powers that he killed half of my guards.

Williams: What! Does he have a mark on his chest?

Maul: I haven't seen him but I'm sure he will come looking for her.

Maza:(Comes in) My king the boy has a mark on his chest. I saw it glowing blue.

Maul: Really?

Williams: I guess he will be the one. I gave him four days to be in the shrine but if he comes to the palace let me know. (He gave Maul a button). Press it and I will be here immediately.

Maul: Okay. I'll make sure I alert you. (Williams disappeared as Maul looks at the button and wandering how a baby escaped) No! I can't loose my strength.

Marble: A mermaid in this palace!? (She heard foot steps approaching as she ran to her room as light fades).