The Deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Burch

Luc Dronnie is no longer Sheriff of Pocatello, ID. He has been asked to resign since he was not doing anything to solve the crimes of any kind. Not the mysterious deaths, but all other crimes. He let everyone slide by on anything they have committed, including the worst of all murder or at least suspected of murder. So that is why he was asked to resign. Well it was more like, "either you resign now or you'll go to the Boise Prison for all of your crimes and those you have let go by. It's your choice, Luc." Mayor Burch said with deep rage in both his voice and on his wrinkled face. Jon always has a wrinkled face whilst enraged. His face was even dark red almost purple from barely breathing when he was yelling at Luc. Luc just starred at Jon without any remorse. Anyone would be able to tell how deep in thought he was in, even is they didn't know him that well. It was a dark night when a lost German Shepard puppy, Mayor Jon Burch's favorite dog, was wondering around his homestead a green house on the corner of W Sublet and N Arthur in Pocatello. Mr. and Mrs. Burch was sitting on their porch on a couple of wooden chairs. Mrs. Burch noticed something whining she turned her head to the right she saw the lonesome, abandoned puppy. She slowly stood, started walking to the starving animal, tried to pick him up he shivered from fear as she came close to him. "It's alright darling I'm not going to hurt you. You want to come in for something to eat and drink? Would you like to have a new home? A loving, caring home?" As if the puppy understood what she was saying he happily agreed to let her pick him up and carry him inside their home. After dinning with the Burch's the now loved and cared for young puppy was laying at the foot of the bed while they slept. In Mr. Burch's nightmares; he was sitting in the old office of what used to be Luc Dronnie's. Luc was meeting with some unknown folks their skin was a lite gray with wrinkles. Their eyes were sunken into their gaunt faces. They all turned their heads starring at him with yellow, brown eyes. He noticed almost immediately who the leader of this very unusual, nightmarish group was. He turned running for his life. He screamed but was unable to perceive his terror. There was a river in his eyesight he ran for it so that he can jump into it and drown. He wanted to do this for two reasons. The first was to hopefully wake up, the second was to escape the creatures now etched in his mind. When he came near the river he saw it was a river of blood aphotic and grungy. Luc had on a long black hooded robe. He had a bone made machete in his left hand. The machete made from bone was made from the his most recent victims. Now, he is about to have another victim to claim, the Mayor of Pocatello, Mayor Jon Burch. Luc drew back his arm with the cadaverous machete swinging it decapitating his victim. In the reality Mrs. Burch screamed bloody murder as her late husband's nose flowed with a stream of blood pouring onto their bed. His decapitated head from his nightmare became a reality. Widowed Burch looked up just in time to see the puppy transform into Luc Dronnie. Her pure horror made her have a lethal heart attack. She died almost instantly. No one would find neither of them, ever Luc and his fellows fed the bodies to their pets, a pack of hell hounds.