Researching to Conquer

Lenkinic and Eragian was walking to Marshall Public Library so that they can find some books that will help them in finding where vampires usually are located. At first they had no luck finding the correct book. Lenkinic let Eragian know he was going to go over to the librarian's desk to ask for helping them figure our what type of book would be the best for reading about vampires. Since Lenkinic was once a mortal he knew how to ask and what to correctly say. As he approached the librarian's desk he noticed who she is. She was his aunt. But she didn't recognize him. Lenkinic now looked a lot different he just didn't look as he did as when he was before he was murdered. "Mam? My friend and I are looking for a book about vampires such as, well it's for a research paper we are doing for a collage class, Business English. It's so we can write our own book a fiction book about vampires but some non-fiction in it as well. Like places, towns, etc. Is there anything that can help us with our goal?" "Why, yes, yes there are some books that would help you with your writing work. Here follow me, I will show you where the books are." She said as she slowly stood from her desk chair. Lenkinic followed a couple feet behind her with his head down looking at the floor as he walked occasionally looking up to see which direction she had gone. "Here are a lot of books on vampires fiction but I think they will help you out. Would you like me to show you any other books, sir?" She asked with a little glint in her eyes. The glint is because she thinks Lenkinic is either cute or hot looking to her, she couldn't decide for sure what she thought about his looks. The librarian smiled at him with her pearly white teeth showing. Lenkinic's reaction was very sincere. "Mam, I – I'm not interested I have a girlfriend already. But thank you, though. You are a sweet, kind lady. We can be friends if you would like." Her smile widened as she looked at him with a lot more of her love for him. She didn't know why, but she felt like she has known him for years. Lenkinic made his way back to Eragian with an arm full of books. When he reached the round table in a corner of the library he felt as if he would collapse from the weight of the books. For hours Lenkinic and Eragian studied about vampires and their possible whereabouts. It was close to closing for the day when Eragian finally found the information they were looking for. When they were walking out the library they made plans to find the vampire's nest or home where they would find the leader of them and kill him. They both thought that stabbing a vampire with a stake was a little too far fetched. It would be to hard truing to get close enough to stake the vampire king or leader whichever he or she might be. Or any other information they had found in the books that only one sounded like it just might work to their advantage. Eragian's and Lenkinic's walk back to their hangout was short and silent they didn't talk to one another the entire way. Lenkinic's thoughts were on his vengeance for his and his loved one's death Luc and Donna were gathering their nest for a talk about where they were going to have their ritual for the coming of the Dark Lord himself. The small, young vampires were in the meeting as well. They were also a part of the rituals they have, as well as in the killings. "No one will be spared from our darkness of revenged on this world of humans. And no one will be able to stop us at all. No one knows how to kill us and no one will be able to get near me as I become the vessel for the Dark Lord, Dronnicka; and my wife Donna will be the vessel for Dronnicka's wife Droninsin. We will rule this earth for all eternity! We will be the one and only, the ones who stand for their so called freedom will die in the fiery pits of our hell. Now let us prayer to our Lord of Hell, Dronnicka." They began by chanting in an ancient language that no one never has heard before. Only the vampires knew this ancient language. It has been used for thousands of generations passed down from the original users of it. Then they raised their heads looking into the skies above them with dark yellow and brown eyes. Their mouths opened as they exhaled streams of blue with white surrounding it that stretched into the sky making it an achromatic color.