The Coming of Dronnicka and Droninsin

After the vampires were finished with their Friday ritual they started having dinner. For this dinner it was the remains of Mr. and Mrs. Burch that the hell hounds did not want. After all were fed they all laid down for the retiring until the following morning. Luc had a lot of things on his mind. He couldn't wait until he and his wife become the Dark Lords of the world. "Luc? Why don't you close your eyes and get some rest? Let's make our plans tomorrow and following days until we are the new rulers of the evil, retread world. OK hon?" Donna said in a tired voice barely able to speak from somnolence. Luc closed his eyes and laid his arm across Donna's middle. They fell asleep listening to complete silence. I have so much weight on my shoulders, no one is there for me. No one will ever know. At the next Harvest Moon, the moon of death and rebirth. Now, I know just how much life is worth living, how much I know about life its self. Basically nothing about life its self. All life must come to an end for Dronnicka and Droninsin to rule us all.... Early the morning of the Harvest Moon Eragian and Lenkinic hot Roding a Dodge Ram with grill protectors. In the back window there is a skull design and the windows were very dark so no one can see who is in the vehicle. Eragian was grateful about this. "That way none of them will know it's us coming to end them. Now, let's go kick some vampire ass. Are you ready for this fight?" Asked Eragian with depredation. Lenkinic didn't have to think about this he knew his answer right away without any thought processing. "Yes, I am ready for this. Let's go kick the vampires back to hell from which they came from." Exclaimed Lenkinic with another thought on his mind other than fighting for everyone and for God. Late that afternoon Eragian and Lenkinic arrived at the nest of vampires. They all were getting ready for the ritual. None of them seemed to notice some of their own was found to be missing. No one else was paying attention to anyone else in their clan. They paid attention to themselves only. Luc was standing on an old oak tree stump as he watched his clan gather everything for that night. Everyone vampire was to make an appearance in the ritual. They had a one more victim on their list just one more, Lenkinic's mortal aunt. She is the one who Luc decided for the sacrifice to the Dark Lord Dronnicka. As dusk began turning to into night Lenkinic's mortal aunt was yanked by her arms out of her holding cell kicking and screaming. "No! Let me go! I'm not going to be your sacrifice!" The vampire just laughed with an evil grin on his face. Once the vampire had her on the pile of bones and skulls next to Luc and Donna; Luc lifted her chin looked deep into her eyes and told her you are our sacrifice and no one will be able to stop us. "I am an Angel of the Lord. You will be damned for all eternity if you kill me. Your hear me Luc!" Luc smiled then said in a sarcastic tone, "yes, I know you are an Angel. That's why I chose you for our sacrifice. We need a purified soul to kill for the coming of Dronnicka the Dark Lord. There is no one who can save you, you are going to die here and now!" Luc threw her down onto by his feet. "Now, let's get this ritual going shall we?" Donna reached down turning on a CD player with a CD of the satanic band, Rotting Christ titled Rituals. The band began chanting/singing. All of the vampires chanted while swaying back and forth from side to side. Luc reached to his belt where he had his dagger made from bone with a relic of the head of Dronnicka. He withdrew it from the dagger holder. His right hand drew back ready to strike to cut her throat open and for her blood to spill onto the ground summoning pure evil to be reborn here on earth. When suddenly Eragian came out of no where pushing her aside and his throat was cut deep and long. He died almost immediately. A deep roaring growling sounded into the nights emptiness and vague space of lost souls. Who will forever be lost if the vampires win. An even louder noise and quaking opened the ground as demons flew up from the pits of hell with their black wings of death spraying acid on the ground to make an opening for Dronnicka and Droninsin to arise to their new world. All vampires were spared from the lethal shower that sparked as it dropped from their wings and mouths. Luc finally looked down and saw that it was not his original victim that it was his long time enemy Eragian whom he had sacrificed. He simply shrugged as if it was nothing. Lenkinic came running toward Luc with a piece of silver in his hands ready to strike Luc down. Luc just stood there taking no notice of Lenkinic's fast approach. Just as Lenkinic got close enough to drive the silver cross into Luc's heart Dronnicka flew up from hell and into what was once Luc's body now Dronnicka's. Dronnicka's fist collided with Lenkinic's right jaw sending him flying into one of the demons that flew overhead. The demon grabbed him under the arms threw him onto the ground the demons began beating up Lenkinic until Dronnicka ordered them to stop. "I will deal with this sorry excuse for a warrior of God." Dronnicka snarled. Dronnicka's face had small horns covering half of his face. Now his face looks human because it is Luc's face he has now. Dronnicka stormed over to where Lenkinic laid sprawled with a surge of extreme pain running down his back and legs. Dronnicka picked him up by his throat bringing him to his feet. Dronnicka's eyes starred into Lenkinic's as he started squeezing the life out of Lenkinic. Lenkinic was finally dropped to the ground. He gasped to bring air back into his lungs again. "You think you can conquer me? Well you can't! You are a worthless piece of filth that deserved to die and not be brought back to life as God's warrior. You hear me? You little grime on my shoe. Go a head and bloody die!" Lenkinic saw the silver cross next to Dronnicka's feet he contemplated on how he was going to get his hands on it to kill Dronnicka. Suddenly an Angel came down from Heaven to help Lenkinic. The Angel landed close to Dronnicka kicking the silver cross to Lenkinic. He grabbed it stabbing Dronnicka in his evil heart. Dronnicka's body imploded as his followers imploded as well. The demons though they exploded into black ash. Lenkinic ran toward Eragian was laying. His body wasn't there anymore. Lenkinic looked all around wondering where the body could have gone. He nearly jumped out of his skin when someone laid their hand on his shoulder. "Don't cry. I am now where I belong. You were chosen to be my replacement and now that you have proven yourself you can carry on as the Warrior of our Lord and Savior and our God. You thought your mortal aunt was going to die. I'm going to let you know she was never mortal, she in fact has always been an Angel also a warrior of God. She is the reason I knew who as in you to recruit. Now that you know all of this and have defeated evil what will you do now?" "I will do what I am meant to do. I will wait until the next time for me to fight evil, the evil that lurks just waiting to be released upon this world. I am going to wait until that day comes in a dark alley way in any place that I can not be seen unless those who lay eyes upon me are true believers. I will be out there fighting for all life. I am the Sleep Stalker, the Warrior of God. I am evil's Stalker for all evil. I will stalk evil in its sleep."