Luna's Secret

"Uh Luna, is everything alright? Is someone bullying you by any chance? Don't worry, I won't let those bastards get away with it!"

Ronald doesn't believe it. There is no way that a heroine like Luna would fall in love with him all of a sudden, there has got to be a conspiracy behind it.

Luna let go of Ronald and started to regain her composure and slowly raised her head after hearing Ronald speak.

"No no, everything's okay. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, that's all." Luna said as she stared at Ronald with infinite guilt and regret.

Why was she staring at Ronald with infinite guilt and regret? It's because she has a secret.

She's a regressor.

That's right, after her death in the previous life, she was reborn back to her youth. Although she doesn't know how or why she returned back to her youth after she died, the fact that Ronald was still alive at this time made her so happy that she couldn't be bothered thinking about anything else besides him.

However, she can't tell Ronald that she's a regressor just yet, she's worried that if she does end up telling him, he'll start distancing himself from her and even in the worst case scenario, ruin his life again.

When she first stepped into the banquet and saw Ronald just now, she couldn't hold herself back and rushed towards him to hug him, but she realized that actions were too impulsive and she had to slowly take one step at a time.

So she decided that after she stands on top of the world and has the ability to completely protect Ronald, she will offer the entire world to him and then tell him her secret.

'Bullshit, nobody wishes each other a happy birthday like this.' Ronald couldn't help but silently curse in his heart after he heard her comment, but he doesn't really know the reason why she acted like this to begin with.

"Oh okay... by the way, did you come here alone today?" Ronald asked as his eye scanned through the crowd trying to find a particular someone in the venue.

Ronald was praying to god that Ye Fan was somewhere hidden amongst the crowds, he was willing to bet that the plot could still be saved as long as the protagonist was around.

"Yeah." Luna's eyes couldn't help but flash with killing intent towards a certain individual when Ronald asked.

Ye Fan.

That man was also one of the main reasons why Ronald chose to commit suicide in his previous life. That man had plotted against the Kuangge family everytime he had the chance.

No doubtedly even if Ronald hadn't chosen to commit suicide then, Ye Fan would've ended up killing him sooner or later.

What's worse was that in that previous life, she had chosen to help Ye Fan plot against Ronald, and that ended up becoming her lifetime regret.

In this life, Luna wanted to kill Ye Fan in advance before he made his way into China, but she was well aware that her current strength right now was not enough, and the background behind Ye Fan was extremely strong overseas.

Ronald noticed the killing intent in Luna's eyes and couldn't help but tremble a bit. Why did she get mad about the question he asked? Was it because she didn't like him to begin with? Yes, that should be it. There was nothing to like about him to begin with.

"Did you like my gift?" Luna knew that Ronald had a hobby of collecting watches, so she spent a decent amount of money overseas for Ronald's birthday.

"The iced out custom diamond watch? You didn't have to do that for me, even if you gave me a stick I would've been happy."

"Awh don't say that, I know that you have a hobby of collecting watches."

Ronald had completely forgotten that his original character in the novel had the hobby of collecting luxury watches. Maybe that was the reason why the plot had deviated after his death? Ronald couldn't help but think to himself.

While Ronald and Luna were talking to each other, the surrounding rich second generations that was eavesdropping on the conversation were all dumbfounded.

This was much different from what they had expected!

Wasn't Luna suppose to have an indifferent attitude towards all her pursuers, especially Ronald?

"Luna gave this simp a gift, and not only that but a custom made diamond watch?"

Of course it's not uncommon for these kinds of gifts to be given out on special occasions, but it's just the fact that it came from Luna herself that they couldn't accept.

"Hey, maybe perhaps Arnold Kuangge paid the Xuan family a large sum of money."

"Actually, now that you think about it, that is indeed plausible."

"Wow, the Kuangge family must've sacrificed a lot for their trash son then."

The Kuangge family must've paid an enormous amount of money in order to convince Luna to act this enthusiastic towards Ronald was what everyone believed in, and so they couldn't help but look at Ronald more disdainfully.

Listening to all the speculations and murmurs around him, Ronald nodded in his heart. Yes, it must've been that his father paid the Xuan family a huge amount of money.

To not only convince Luna of sending him a watch, but also act like a distressed maiden in front of everyone on his birthday party, his father must've spent millions upon millions of dollars, maybe even billions of dollars.

After thinking about it for awhile, Ronald finally sighed of relief. Thank god the plot hasn't collapsed yet.

Although he believes that the plot hasn't collapsed yet, he was still feeling a bit weirded out by the entire thing, so he decided he might as well try and make Luna return to her previous self.

"Luna, you don't have to pretend to be someone you're not, I love the real you."

"What are you talking about? Everything that has happened today naturally came from the bottom of my heart."

Luna obviously heard the whispers of the rich second generations around her, but she didn't care, as long as Ronald didn't misunderstand.

"I need to go talk about business with some people, I'll talk to you later, Ronald." She's aware that she's relatively weak compared to Ye Fan in both terms of background and strength now so she has to take advantage of this time now to build up her empire so she reluctantly departed from Ronald for now.

Ronald waved to her good bye and after watching her disappear from his sights, he turned around and decided to go back to the quiet corner he was sitting in at the time before the plot had started.

'I have a feeling this is going to be a long night.'